Category Archives: cats

Tuesday animal funnies!


Saturday animal smiles


Friday animal funnies!


Thursday Animal Funnies!

The all-cats edition!


Saturday Animal Funnies!

And lastly, a pit bull fakes fainting to avoid getting his nails clipped. LOL



Monday animal funnies!


Wednesday Animal Funnies!


Tuesday animal funnies!


Baby meets the Rainbow Bridge: Blessed for having 20+ years with my kitty

The day after Thanksgiving we put down our Baby kitty. He was 20 years and four months old, and had been living with kidney disease for four years. A miracle that he was still alive at this point!

I knew that the time had come to make sure he didn’t suffer. So we made the difficult call to have him euthanized. It broke my heart. And yet, I still feel so blessed to have had him in my life for such a long time.

Meet our Baby kitty:

The Baby kitty who I rescued, along with his brother Lucky (who passed at 16 1/2 years old), from another state where they and their mother were abandoned in the woods.

The Baby kitty who was a great hunter: Snakes, birds, mice, rats and squirrels. And also bunnies and possums, although we tried to pry those critters out of his paws and save them, whenever possible.

Baby was such a good hunter that he actually caught a bird one time while I was walking him on a leash!

And toward the end, the Baby kitty who just enjoyed watching the bunnies instead of chasing them.

The Baby kitty who enjoyed our warm laps, treats, and chin rubs. The Baby kitty who brought us great love and kitty warmth.

Rest in Peace my Baby kitty. God blessed us when He gave you so much time on Earth with us.

See you over the Rainbow Bridge, my buddy.

I know all of our pets will be smiling and waiting for us!


Talking cats!

Some funny cats in this video!