Tag Archives: Aquaman

New Superman, Aquaman and Batman’s sidekick are all homosexuals

How I loathe the world as remade by the “woke” Left.

Ewan Somerville reports for the (UK) Telegraph, Oct. 11, 2021:

A director once described Superman as the “most heterosexual character”. But the writers at DC Comics clearly disagree after giving the great American superhero a male love interest in an official sequel….

In the new Superman: Son of Kal-El series of comics, Jonathan Kent, the son of Lois Lane and Clark Kent who has disappeared off into deep space, assumes the protagonist role and begins a romantic relationship with a male friend.

Superman’s coming-out, announced on Monday by DC Comics, will appear in the new issue of the sequel released on November 9, as Jon Kent progresses from Superboy to Superman and assumes his father’s powers….

Since the Superman: Son of Kal-El series made its debut in July, Jon Kent has been deployed to battle several contemporary issues including wildfires sparked by climate change.

A trailer for the upcoming comic says that “just like his father before him, Jon Kent has fallen for a reporter”. The plot charts his friendship with Jay Nakamura, a budding journalist, blossoming into a same-sex relationship….

Artwork for the comic by John Timms shows the pair embracing in a passionate kiss, with Superman donning his iconic blue and red uniform.

The diversification of the iconic superhero comes amid a broader shift in the comic world towards 21st century social and cultural challenges.

In August, DC Comics also revealed that Batman sidekick Tim Drake, one of several Robins, would get a boyfriend, while a new Aquaman comic stars a gay Black man who is set to become the hero….

In 2018, a TV adaption for CW, a US channel, saw Batwoman become the first live-action superhero series with an openly gay lead character.
