Gonna keep your promise? Celebs who said they’d leave the US if Trump elected

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Hopefully a few of them will make good on their promises to leave!

From Daily Mail:

“A host of celebrities have long been vocal in their opposition to Donald Trump taking office making some bold promises of their own along way: if Trump won, they were out.

The reactions have ranged from playful hyperbole to what sounded like solemn pledges, yet as the dust settles on another Trump election win, will the stars settle into their multimillion-dollar homes on American soil, or leave the country for good?

Following Trump’s victory, dozens of prominent names in the entertainment industry were vocal about their sadness, anger and frustration, but none appeared to be looking for their passports ahead of his upcoming term as the 47th president.

The View’s Whoopi Goldberg, a notable critic of Trump’s political career, refused to acknowledge Trump by name on Wednesday’s broadcast of the ABC chat show. ‘He’s the president,’ Goldberg said. ‘I’m still not going to say his name – that’s not going to change. In the lead-up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Goldberg also expressed strong opposition to Trump’s candidacy, saying on The View, ‘Maybe it’s time for me to move, you know. I can afford to go.’

Cher she had more cosmic aspirations: In June 2015, she tweeted, ‘If he were to be elected, I’m moving to Jupiter,’ but did not appear to have relocated in the years following, in which Trump was elected to office and served.

Cher in October 2023 told The Guardian that she suffered health issues as result of Trump’s previous term, and said this time she was determined to relocate from the U.S. under Trump’s leadership. ‘I almost got an ulcer the last time,’ said Cher. ‘If he gets in, who knows? This time I will leave.’ (As of Wednesday evening, Cher had not said anything since Trump’s election on her social media platforms in regards to her plans.)

Girls creator Lena Dunham told an audience in 2016 that she would ‘100 percent move to Canada’ while appearing at the Matrix Awards in April of 2016 in New York City, the CBC reported.  She said: ‘I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will … I know a lovely place in Vancouver and I can get my work done from there.’ Her sincerity seemed real at the time, yet Dunham is still very much in the United States, continuing her work in entertainment and advocacy.

Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston said in a late 2016 interview with The Bestseller Experiment podcast, declaring he ‘would definitely move’ to Vancouver, British Columbia if Trump defeated Clinton. ‘It’s not real to me that that would happen. I hope to God it won’t. It wouldn’t be a vacation. I’d be an expatriate.’ After Trump was elected, Cranston, who publicly endorsed Harris, walked back his statement on Twitter.”

Read the whole story here.

Don’t hold your breath that any of ’em will actually move.

They have more fun with their temper trantums.


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Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
4 months ago

Funny how they run their mouths and then run when the time comes evil will always subside when Good show up to do God’s work. I pray for their souls…..

4 months ago

Why do they never follow up/leave when they threaten? I am a public-school teacher trying to retire at a more advanced age than most in my profession (tho’ not a shocker, lately, due to the Biden Admin policies that degraded our working class). I’d divert all my charitable donations that I give throughout the year to ASPCA, various Indian (Native American) schools for children, homes for support of foster children…& etc.—to these poor, disturbed/upset super-stars if it would help fund them toward their aspirations of living outside the USA. This is what I have to give. I would divert my funds to give it to them if it would put them over the top on leaving the USA, as they promise. They can contact me for this monetary support and I can reorder my giving priorities in their favor if they actually need my help to vacate the USA for some foreign destination.