You’ve come a long way, baby: Trans men take 1, 2 and 3 spot at women’s bike event

South Park becomes real life…

Another story of biological men stealing opportunities from women. And still crickets from the feminists.

From Daily Mail:

Transgender athletes swept the board in a 1-2-3 at a prestigious women’s cycle race over the weekend, infuriating fans and leaving female competitors in the shade.

Every medalist in the elite women’s Madison at Washington’s Marymore (actually Marymoor) Grand Prix on Friday had a trans athlete on the two–person team, marking the first time trans women are known to have had a place on every podium spot in a race.

Race venue the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome in Redmond warns it will not tolerate ‘bullying or derogatory comments especially related to race, creed, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, physical or mental disability’.

But the sight of the heavily-built winners towering over their rivals and teammates on the podium has dismayed fans of the sport. ‘This is so egregious I can’t imagine how people watched this happen and thought this was ok,’ wrote one.

Leading the field was Jordan Lothrop who was achieving podium finishes against men in the Victoria Cycling League in her native Canada as recently as last year. The sailing fan from British Columbia has worked as a Mechanical Engineering Technologist and was ranked 22nd in the men’s Victoria Cycling League this time in 2023.

Second place went to Jenna Lingwood, 43, who raced as a man until 2017 and is now a member of the Oregon-based women’s cyclocross squad Team S&M.

Taking third spot was Californian Eva Lin, 28, who used to race as Henry Lin for San Jose State University’s men’s team, but whose placings have soared since she switched to its women’s team in 2022.”

Read the whole story here.

How convenient that these men competing at an amateur level need only complete a “self-identity verification request.”

Until women stop putting up with allowing men to compete in their categories, they can kiss their wins goodbye.

h/t Breitbart


Joe is out; Kamala to make the top ticket?

Hoo boy, what a week in politics!

This afternoon, Ol’ Joe did the inevitable, he dropped out of the 2024 race. I predicted this would happen once we heard rumors that Barack Obama deemed Biden unable to “achieve a patch to victory.”

Biden didn’t give a specific reason as to why he’s dropping out but we all know the reason(s) why he’s doing this. Here’s part of what his Tweet said:

“While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term,” Biden wrote in a letter posted on X. “I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.”

Biden went on to endorse Kamala Harris for the demorat nomination. Lucky us…

Here’s what Americans have to look forward to if the Soro$ machine can get her elected:


Trump assassination attempt: a failure of law enforcement & the Secret Service

A defiant Trump after the assassin’s bullet grazed and bloodied his right ear. Raising his fist in the air, he cried out, “Fight, fight, fight!”.

What evidence we have point to a massive failure and complacency of law enforcement and the Secret Service in protecting President Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, and preventing the death of a former fire chief and the injury of two other rally attendants. That’s a charitable characterization. A less charitable explanation is that the assassinaton attempt had been engineered by the Deep State.

Below are the multiple failures and sheer incompetence of supposed professionals:

1. U.S. officials, i.e., the Biden Administration, were warned of a potential Iranian assassination plot against Trump weeks before deadly shooting. (NY Post)

2. 30 minutes before the first shot was fired, cops at the scene noticed the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, clambering into place in plain sight just 130 yards away from the rally stage and even took two photos of him because he was acting suspiciously, sources told WPXI. Meanwhile, almost comically, a counter-sniper team was inside the building on which roof was the assassin. The sniper team was using the building as a “watch post” during the event when Crooks pulled the trigger. (Source: Daily Mail)

3. Attendants at the rally alerted law enforcement to the gunman on the roof of the building at least two minutes before the first shot was fired at Trump, video analyzed by CBS News shows. One witness exclaimed as a law enforcement officer walked around the building, “Look, they’re all pointing. Someone’s on top of the roof. There he is, right there. Right there, see him? He’s laying down.” Another witness gestured to the officer, referring to the gunman: “He’s on the roof … right here, right on the roof.”

4. Passing the buck: A Secret Service source told Scripps News that the agency did not sweep the rooftop from which Crooks shot at former President Donald Trump Saturday, saying it was up to local law enforcement to secure that building as it was outside of the perimeter that the agency would secure. However, a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania State Police said the department had provided “all resources” requested by the Secret Service, including 30 to 40 troopers who helped secure the inside perimeter, but that it “was not responsible for securing” the building or the property on which it resides.

Patrick Yoes, president of the Fraternal Order of Police, America’s largest police group, blasted the Secret Service for trying to shift blame to local police: “Whatever happened in Butler, this was not a failure of the local, state, or federal officers on the ground who responded to the shots fired at former President Trump, they acted heroically and put their lives on the line to protect everyone else at the event. We must recognize that. This is a failure at the management or command level who failed to secure an obvious weakness in the security of this event.” Yoes warned that Secret Service efforts to push blame down to local police for failing to secure a building rooftop used by the shooter would be counterproductive, especially with so many campaign events ahead in the election that will require local, state and federal officials to cooperate.

Lastly, here’s another oddity:

BlackRock Inc. — the world’s largest money manager and ultra-woke investment firm that is benefiting from Biden’s US taxpayers’ multibillion-dollar funding of Ukraine with big government deals to “rebuild” Ukraine — has pulled an ad that briefly featured Thomas Crooks, the 20-year-old assassin. Black Rock said Crooks was a student at Bethel Park High School and appeared in the 2022 ad with other unpaid teens. “In 2022, we ran an ad featuring a teacher from Bethel Park High School, in which several unpaid students briefly appeared in the background, including Thomas Matthew Crooks,” the company said in a statement to Reuters. The 30-second BlackRock TV ad features an AP and honors economics class that Crooks attended at the time. (Source: NY Post)

What a coinkidink!



Democrats think you are stupid…

After Biden’s disasterous debate performance, the mask is off.

We’ve known for several years that Biden has some cognitive issues. We can clearly see this every time he opens his mouth.

Yet the democrats (media, Hollyweird, liberal pundits, etc.) were pushing another narrative and protecting Biden because OrangeManBad.

Two months ago, this was actor Michael Douglas praising Biden as being “sharp as a tack.”

Flash forward to today and Douglas has had a change of heart (along with actor George Clooney, who just raised money for Biden at a fundraiser). Douglas now says, “the Democratic party needs to “get it in sync, you know, just for a candidate.”

My how the winds have shifted once the truth is now allowed to be said.

Just how long will Biden hold on? Will Dr. Jill be able to drag him across the finish line?

Democrats really think you are stupid. Turns out they are too stupid to realize that we will not give into their essential command.


Tuesday night funnies!



Meet Archie the piglet!

A cute video of a cute piglet to start off your week (and take a break from the political madness)!


Instant justice for man who kicks and shatters glass door of hotel

A man repeatedly punches and kicks the front glass door of a Marriott hotel, shattering one of the panes instantly and almost knocking the door from its hinges.

He then enters the lobby to the front desk as if nothing had happened.

A police officer and two hotel security personnel approach the man who protests: “I’m a citizen!.”

Watch what happens!

Give that cop a raise and a medal!


Illegal alien indicted on rape released on $500 bail

This is America under demorat rule…

(story starts at :20 mark)

Story from MSN:

Cory Alvarez, an illegal from Haiti, is accused (and now indicted) of raping a disabled 15-year-old at a Massachusetts shelter. He’s been released on bail — despite a request from federal immigration officials to keep him in jail.

The perp was arrested in March and held without bail until he was freed on a $500 bail last week after the Plymouth County Superior Court ignored a request from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to keep the suspect in custody.

The Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office requested that Alvarez be held on $10,000 cash bail with numerous conditions of release. The judge set bail at $500.

The good judge released the perp with an ankle monitor, but ICE officials can’t track him because Boston is a sanctuary city — meaning local authorities don’t have to cooperate with the feds.

The suspect was also ordered to remain in home confinement, surrender his passport and check in twice monthly with probation, according to legal filings obtained by the Globe. He is due back in court on Aug. 13.

Federal immigration authorities said in March that they had filed an immigration detainer against Alvarez with the Plymouth County Sheriff’s Office. However, a spokesperson for the enforcement and removal operations division of ICE told the Globe that Plymouth Superior Court officials “refused to honor” its detainer.

The perp came to the US in June 2023 under President Biden’s parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans (CHNV).

Read all the details here.

The illegal alien is being housed at this Comfort Inn in Rockland which was turned into an immigrant shelter, courtesy of taxpayers:

Think the perp will give up this great living condition and show up for his August 13 court date?

Maybe he will. Illegal aliens/criminals seem to have better odds under our current legal system than law-abiding citizens.


Saturday Funnies!


The Father-Son Criminals Caption Contest

This is our world-famous 281st Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic:

About the pic: On June 11, 2024, Joe Biden arranged an airport photo op in a public show of support for a convicted criminal — his 54-year-old son — hours after Hunter’s conviction on three federal gun charges. (New York Post)

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

‘To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

Like father, like son.

For the winner of our last Caption Contest, go here.
