One spoiled kitty…

My cats love to drink from the faucet but thankfully not from the shower! Silly kitty…


Two lion brothers rescued from circus touch grass for the first time

Such a happy ending!


IMPORTANT! Find out if your Social Security number was exposed

From “How to Tell If Your Social Security Number Was Compromised in Massive Data Breach,” Epoch Times, 8/24/2024:

After a data protection company confirmed that numerous Social Security numbers were hacked, several websites have appeared this week allowing people to check if they’ve been compromised in the data breach.

A lawsuit filed in a Florida court against National Public Data alleged that cybercrime organization USDoD hacked the firm and that hackers then put the database for sale on the dark web for $3.5 million. The suit claimed that about 2.9 billion records, including names and Social Security numbers, span at least the last three decades….

National Public Data, in a letter and in an online statement, confirmed a data breach…the firm said that 1.3 million people were potentially exposed…. It further confirmed that personal information such as Social Security numbers, mailing addresses, email addresses, names, phone numbers, and other data were compromised in the incident….

How to Check

Since details of the incident surfaced this month, at least two third-party websites have been established to tell whether one’s Social Security number has been compromised in the breach.

One is operated by Pentester, a cybersecurity testing service, which allows a person to type their first name, last name, state, and date of birth….
Another site that appeared in the past week or so is, operated by Atlas Privacy, another cybersecurity company….

That site allows a person to search via his or her first name, last name, and ZIP code. Or, it allows one to search using his or her Social Security number or phone number.

I clicked on Pentester, and found that my Social Security number had been breached. I then froze my credit at Equifax, Esperian, and TransUnion (note: you can still access your credit report after a credit freeze), as well as purchase a monthly plan at Pentester, which is running a comprehensive security scan to identify and remove my exposed data from the web.


ESPN fires woman who speaks truth

Sam Ponder: Standing up for women’s sports.

ESPN, owned by the ultra-woke Walt Disney Company, hates women. And truth.

Yesterday, ESPN fired anchor Sam Ponder in order to “cut significant costs.”

The real reason Sam was probably let go is because she has the audacity to call out the inclusion of “trans women,” aka men, being allowed to play in women’s sports.

According to Outkick, Sam was the only woman at ESPN who defended women’s sports. From their article:

“Ponder had emerged as the only female voice inside Disney since Sage Steele’s departure to speak out against “trans women” (as in men) competing in women’s sports.

Most recently, Ponder posted “XY= male XX= female” in response to the International Olympic Committee permitting Imane Khelif, who has XY chromosomes, to box against women in the 2024 Olympics.

Ponder first commented on the issue in May 2023, reminding her followers that it is “not hateful to demand fairness in sports for girls.”

“I barely said anything publicly abt this issue & I’ve had so many ppl msg me, stop me in the street to say thank you+ tell me stories abt girls who are afraid to speak up for fear of lost employment/being called hateful,” Ponder added.”

Read their whole article here.

Of course Sam has been called a “bigot” for her opinion that biological men do not belong in women’s sports. She’s also a Christian. Kudos to her for speaking the truth.

It is not bigoted to demand that women’s sports remain a women-only space.

Yet we don’t live in normal times right now.  It’s like we are living in “Nineteen Eighty-Four.”


The Freaks-for-Hamas Caption Contest

This is our world-famous 282nd Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic:

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

‘To get the contest going, here’s my caption:


For the winner of our last Caption Contest, go here.


We have a winner!


Our writers dutifully voted for their #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 4 points; each #2 vote us worth 2 points.

And the clear winner, with four #1 votes, totaling a whopping 16 points, is:


Here is his caption:

Don’t worry son. I’ll be in prison with you before long.

Brian Heinz is in 2nd place, with one #1 and two #2 votes, totaling 8 points:

Did you get the COKE I sent you? It’s in the box holding room that should pay you up till the next installment from the Ukraine.

Captain America is in 3rd place, with two #2 votes and 4 points:

Get used to the hugs, son, cuz we are both going to prison.

Another TrueDan caption is in 4th place, with one #2 vote and 2 points:

Remember – As the “Big Guy”, I only get 10% of the profits. I don’t suffer any losses or prison time.


Congratulations, TrueDan!

For all the caption submissions, go here.

Be here later today for our next Caption Contest!


“It’s the economy, stupid”

Truer words were never spoken when it comes to elections.

The media is working overtime to gaslight the people into voting for the “chosen one,” Kamala Harris, by claiming the U.S. is not in a recession.

Yesterday the stock market took a hard punch. It fell by 2%, the worst drop since 2022. If you want to keep your blood pressure normal, don’t check your 401(k) and investment account balances right now.

Intel announced on Friday that it was laying off 15% of its workforce. This comes months after the Biden administration gave Intel $8.5 billion in grants to help bring back chipmaking to the U.S. Great job, Biden, by “spurring processor manufacturing in the US.”

Within the past year Nike has laid off 5% of their workforce. This combined with Intel’s layoffs, was a hard hit for the progressive-run state of Oregon.

Last September I wrote about CVS closing 900 stores noting that America is in decline, particularly in democrat-run cities. As a result, our nation is (still) facing the following:

  • Increased inflation
  • Increased debt (both for the nation and many individual households)
  • Increased crime with soft-on-punishment policies
  • Open borders with thousands of illegal aliens arriving daily as well as drugs (particularly fentanyl) pouring into our cities

If you think things will get better with the new Harris/Walz ticket, think again. Tim Walz is a hardcore leftist who recently stated on a “White Dudes for Harris” get-together: “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

A preview of our economy and the US under this “progressive” ticket of Harris and Walz:

All of it, up in flames.


Saturday Animals ❤️


How long will you live?

Wanna know how long you will live?

You can find out by going to Lifespan Calculator, where you’ll be asked to answer 13 questions, e.g., your age, gender, height, weight, family cardiovascular history, etc.

With each answer, your estimated lifespan will either increase or decrease.

Go here.


Momma Rottweiler & pups saved from California Park Fire

So glad this man was able to find them!