Tag Archives: Hunter Biden

We have a winner!


Our writers dutifully voted for their #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 4 points; each #2 vote us worth 2 points.

And the clear winner, with four #1 votes, totaling a whopping 16 points, is:


Here is his caption:

Don’t worry son. I’ll be in prison with you before long.

Brian Heinz is in 2nd place, with one #1 and two #2 votes, totaling 8 points:

Did you get the COKE I sent you? It’s in the box holding room that should pay you up till the next installment from the Ukraine.

Captain America is in 3rd place, with two #2 votes and 4 points:

Get used to the hugs, son, cuz we are both going to prison.

Another TrueDan caption is in 4th place, with one #2 vote and 2 points:

Remember – As the “Big Guy”, I only get 10% of the profits. I don’t suffer any losses or prison time.


Congratulations, TrueDan!

For all the caption submissions, go here.

Be here later today for our next Caption Contest!


The Father-Son Criminals Caption Contest

This is our world-famous 281st Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic:

About the pic: On June 11, 2024, Joe Biden arranged an airport photo op in a public show of support for a convicted criminal — his 54-year-old son — hours after Hunter’s conviction on three federal gun charges. (New York Post)

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, July 9, 2024.

‘To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

Like father, like son.

For the winner of our last Caption Contest, go here.


Remember: “No One is Above the Law”

Imagine being a crack addict and lying on your 4473 to illegally obtain a firearm. Then having your girlfriend dump the firearm in a garbage bin by a high school. Oh, and you “forgot” to pay federal income taxes for a couple years.

Do you really truly believe that YOU would receive such a sweetheart deal if you were to face felony tax and firearm violation charges? Yeah, right.

It’s good to be a demorat…

Say a pray for our country.