Category Archives: dogs

Saturday Animals ❤️


Momma Rottweiler & pups saved from California Park Fire

So glad this man was able to find them!


Dog runs four miles to get help for owner who crashed into a ravine

Good boy, Blue!

You can read all the details about the rescue here.


Tuesday animals

Cutest kitten in the world!


Dog missing from California found 2,000 miles away in Detroit

Luvs a happy ending!

h/t Breitbart


Saturday animal funnies!

Cat reacts to self image in mirror

Deer brings entire family into store for treats


Levi gets rescued from Iran and finds a new home in Canada (with snow!)

Luvs a happy ending!


Wild Squirrel Introduces Her Baby To Her Favorite Dog

This is so cool!


Sunny the Frenchie has a unique way of communicating…

Sunny is cute! Frankly, I don’t know if I could listen to this all day long. Thankfully his momma sure loves it!

Have a Happy New Year!


Momma bear saves her pup Pixel from moose attack

Don’t mess with a momma bear!