Wednesday Animal Funnies!

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27 days ago

These are all great, but my favorite is the golden retriever directing the parking. 😁

27 days ago
Reply to  traildust

Smart boi!

27 days ago

The kitty doing situps is hilarious!

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
27 days ago

All of those were great, but I really enjoyed the pooch who helped his owner in backing into the parking space. Viewing those was a wonderful way to start the day.

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
27 days ago

Doc not sure where you get these but keep it up got a really good laugh out of them. And I can use as many of those I can get these days. Just finished my last 8 hr Chemo and blood platelet shots Praise God and thank all here for the Prayers much appreciated and my love for you all here is never ending.

25 days ago
Reply to  Brian Heinz

Soldier on! Thank you for the update on your situation/treatment. Continued prayers. Hopes that you can continue to ruminate, laugh, and reply here so we know how you are doing. So, thanks for your update. xxoo

25 days ago

OMG…Golden directing the car during back up…..and the cat doing the sit ups….too, too, funny. Do I believe it? OH YES! I had a Lab/GSP mix dog who, once (untrained for it), when we said “It’s time for bed,” went around the house in a rush to pick up all dog and/or cat toys and put them into a box/basket–anything he could find to organize them into….(so, of course, we had to provide a standard place once we saw this). HE “trained us” and not just in this one thing…but this was the first. When we lost him, our daily “schedule” (that he set in even other ways) never recovered, even to this day.