Victor Davis Hanson explains Trump 2.0

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The brilliant Victor Davis Hanson on why President Donald John Trump’s second administration is different from his first, how Trump is a genuine populist, and how Trump 2.0 is truly revolutionary.

Highly recommend!


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Kelleigh Nelson
Kelleigh Nelson
28 days ago

Yes! The greatest comeback. He defeated them all. Now, praying he sees what some of his appointees really are…because a good number of them are nothing but sewer rats.

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
27 days ago

Can you list who you are talking about?

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
27 days ago

I am thankful that DJT hit the ground running. I certainly agree Biden’s administration was a S-A-D episode in American history. I also agree, we are in for a bumpy ride, because the Progressives will oppose everything Trump does–they will be kicking and screaming 24/7.

This is rather off topic, but for those who watch the actual swearing in of DJT, at the end when people were filing out of the proceedings . . . did you see young Barron step over and shake hands with both Biden and Harris? It was very quick, but I can tell you, that kid is a “class act.” I think many 18 year olds would not have the presence of mind to act in such classy manor. I love that kid, he is just in a class by his own.

25 days ago

Joe & Jill Biden & family shook down every situation, every country they could to enrich themselves, siblings, in-laws, son, grandchildren while Biden was VP & then POTUS. They used drug-saturated Hunter Biden to schill for them. B/c of the pre-emptive pardons, they are left now without the 5th to plead if they are investigated on oath. Donald Trump stared them down, against their anti-democratic actions, & spent his fortunes to defend himself against their lawfare meant to bury him so they’d never be legally “caught” b/c he’d “never be POTUS again.” They LOST. The Trump agenda will “steamroll” onward with (finally) a huge mandate to reverse the damage caused by the Obama/Biden/Harris (& Pelosi!!!) agendas to the American doctrine of excellence. Victor Davis Hanson knows and explains this. I did not listen to the entire 50 min…but I might add that, IMO for all the yrs since Obama…that, Obama ruined the Demorat party, not that I care….b/c he conducted an admin from the very advent of his first campaign as “no man’s head shall be higher than the King.” He sealed that attitude by choosing the impotent, plagiarizing, well-known liar, Joe Biden, for his VP…ONLY b/c Biden was chair of the foreign relations committee…& Obama had ZERO foreign affairs connections or experience as a 100-day Jr. Senator. It was a scam from the very beginning, not based on anything but appearances. The ensuing Biden sad 4 yrs as our “leader” was also a scam upon us as a nation….an election, again, for Democrat “appearances.”