This is heartbreaking.
Beth is 70 years old.
She had worked her entire adult life, including being a librarian. From the condition of her teeth (straight), she clearly was at least middle class. But she did not save her money and, as the rent on her apartment kept increasing, she found herself living in her car. Occasionally, she would check into a motel to bathe and shelter herself from inclement weather.
This is her video explaining why she lives in her car:
I’ve subscribed to her channel and will try to watch as many of her videos as I can because YouTube will monetize (pay) her when the number of her subscribers and watch hours of her videos reach 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours. As of this morning, she has 9,080 subscribers. In her most recent video (this morning), she says she’ll soon accumulate enough watch hours to be monetized.
You can also donate, here.
From the comments on her videos, there are other women, many elderly, who also are living in their cars. Good grief.
I just subscribed to her, and encouraged others.
I find her circumstances to be appalling, particularly since monies have been found to house, feed, medicate and educate people who are “foreign nationals,” and on such a large scale at that. You must ask yourself–has she not added significantly to our nation? Certainly more than those who jump the border so they can access the great American Welfare state. Just disgusting!
How can our society let things get this far other than the evil that is abounding bring all this about. And we know were that evil is coming from……sadly breaks my heart to see this happening.
Hello! I live in CA….nothing NEW to me. I pass people in this situation every AM on my way to work…you esp see them in the AM b/c they must “move on” to other sites to not encounter law enforcement/rules of use for public places. Our community is responsive to them through our faith-based organizations with food banks, private donors, thrifts, & so on. But we live, after all, in SoCal with decades of Blue voters and Admin. It’s no wonder to me that the private sector must take care of those who cannot compete for basic life support (food, shelter, clothing) due to years of Democrat policies.