President Trump protecting woman inmates from biological men

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One day after his inauguration, President Trump signed an executive order that states the federal government will recognize just two genders, obviously male and female.

The order is titled “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government.”

It states that the administration vows to “defend women’s rights and protect freedom of conscience by using clear and accurate language and policies that recognize women are biologically female, and men are biologically male.”

Of course, liberals who support “transgender rights” are furious because the order shall ensure that males are not detained in women’s prisons or housed in women’s detention centers.

Now,  incarcerated “transgender” women (biological men) are in fear for their lives.

From the Daily Mail:

“Hundreds of transgender federal prisoners are living in fear after a ’roundup’ that will send them packing to men’s lockups following a day-one executive order from President Donald Trump.

Now lawyers are desperately trying to find a way to fight the order, saying the prisoners will have ‘a target on their backs’ as they move in with hardened male inmates. ‘It’s going to be incredibly dangerous,’ attorney Moira Meltzer-Cohen told 

Meltzer-Cohen said she fears there would be a ‘bloodbath’ if her client and other trans inmates are forced into male prisons.

The order declared that the government will only recognize two sexes – male and female. This means all ‘intimate spaces designated for women, girls, or females’ will be determined by sex rather than gender identity.

Public defender Sandra Gant (Minnesota) said her office was notified of the change in policy by the federal Bureau of Prisons Tuesday morning by the trans inmate’s family and asked other public defenders to share information for a legal fight.

‘Our office represents a trans client who, for the entirety of her pretrial detention & BOP custody, has been in a women’s facility,’ Gant wrote in the alert sent Tuesday afternoon.

Her family reached out in a panic – as of this morning, she, along with others at FCI Waseca, have been segregated and told that they are being processed out to a transfer center and then to a men’s prison. ‘She is terrified,’ Gant explained.”

Read the whole story here.

You know who is not terrified? Incarcerated women who have to share a cell with a biological man claiming to be a woman.

There have been many stories of women attacked (or raped) by a transgender prisoner (biological man) while in prison. See here, here, here, here, here and here.

Tremaine Deon Carroll, transgender “woman” who was indicted with two counts of forcible rape while housed in a women’s correctional faciity. He was transfered back to a men’s prison after the attacks. California Dept. of Corrections photo

Ladies, how’d you like to see the above “woman” show up to bunk with you in your cell? Now that would cause one to panic.

Thank you, President Trump, for protecting women prisoners from the liberal madness known as gender ideology.


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Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
25 days ago

How sad is this.

25 days ago

Thank God common sense is restored to America.

Kelleigh Nelson
Kelleigh Nelson
24 days ago

And that dimbulb Ketanji Brown couldn’t define a woman. Two X chromosomes. We learned that in Biology 101 in high school! Men have an X and a Y chromosome. It’s pitiful that Trump has to declare this in an EO.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
23 days ago

It is a national travesty that someone of Kedaji Brown’s low IQ, or lack of awareness is serving on the Supreme Court. Every time I see her, I just feel sick to my stomach. It is just an abomination; and the entire world can see that the USA is one brick short of a load for having such a person in that position.

23 days ago

Just an aside, not an accusation…but still, did you notice that immediately after Kendji Brown was put on the Court, the “leak” about the abortion ruling hit the streets? After that, before the ruling went out officially, all those freaks picketed and assaulted the homes of the Justices????? ( And The “AG” did NOTHING about it—which is called for by law???)