Meet “Chunk” the groundhog!

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Meet Chunk the Groundhog. He’s found a garden that he (and a buddy) love to visit. Chunk has also found a very easy-going garden owner who lets Chunk take advantage of the bounty.

Chunk lives underneath the shed by the garden and loves to stare into the camera while eating. Chunk’s gotta a pretty good set up!

Chunk’s got his own YouTube page and lots of videoa. Check it out here! Or check out his Instagram account here.


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4 years ago

I love groundhogs, but I would be horrified to have these people for neighbors. They are attracting all kinds of wildlife and vermin and once they are there, they will not observe any rules. Local gardeners will see their gardens destroyed and their homes damaged and, if ever there is a food shortage, they will not be polite about demanding what they want. I have a neighbor who feeds the squirrels and attracts them from all over. They dig up my flowers and eat the tomatoes and roses. They have come to my door and been quite aggressive. It isn’t a good idea to attract wildlife to your neighborhood. They are well equipped to survive on their own.

4 years ago

Thank you DCG for this darling post. Chuck is a real celebrity and has hit the lottery!