The world today can just be too crazy. With the US economy and politics, “wokeness” shoved down your throat in every issue, tensions in the Middle East and with Russia, and reading the news — it can just about drive you crazy.
How do I escape from it all? I enjoy reading and cooking. I also step outside to my backyard and enjoy nature.
For the second year in a row, we had two Goldfinch (I believe that is the species) nest in a backyard tree and have witnessed the birth of their babies. This could be the same pair from last year as they tend to be monogamous.
On Saturday the mama was sitting on our fence and we approached it as I thought it had a claw stuck in the wire around one of the posts. It managed to flutter a bit as we got closer and moved just a bit down the fence line. But I knew it was not okay. Then the Goldfinch ended up on the ground. We figured it must have flown into something and was “stunned” for a bit. We left a plate of water nearby, retreated, and prayed that the bird would recover.
And recover she did!
On Monday I saw two babies pop their heads up from the nest and in the afternoon they had managed to leave the nest for a nearby branch. From a good distance I was able to capture some photos:

Mama Goldfinch on the right, two babies to the left.

Closeup of the babies.
Both parents have been very protective of the babies, chirping whenever we (or our cats) get too close to the nest. The parents have even been “dive bombing” our cats on the back patio. Once I noticed this I’d go outside with the cats to deter the birds from coming too close to a cat and avoid being caught by one of them.

Baby Goldfinch, day two out of the nest.
As of today, the babies are still staying close to the nest. From what I’ve read, they’ll be around for another week or so before the family moves on.
It’s been a great distraction from the craziness in our world to be able to step out into the backyard and watch the new bird life. A much-needed and stress-relieving break!