When the truth hurts too much

Cognitive dissonance is a major impediment to waking people up from hypnotic indoctrination.
Dear friends, I want to state this briefly. My silence on the site is due to my own cognitive dissonance. During my active phase online I boldly opposed the Left and the Democrats. I saw the lines drawn between reliable conservative and obvious leftists. At a certain moment I became aware of more factors in our battle than I was prepared for.
For instance, I thought the Bush family was okay, and even favorable to our cause. I was not ready to see a convincing case made against Bush Senior, Bush Junior and Junior’s brother. However, at this time I have seen compelling evidence of Senior’s involvement in the murder of JFK and the attempt to murder President Reagan. I have also seen compelling arguments made of Junior’s connection to the 9-11 attacks.
Some of you are asking how it took so long for me to get this. Again, cognitive dissonance is my answer. Like so many who can’t recognize the obvious, I found that even entertaining the thought was too painful. I see this is also in the hypnotic spell people are under regarding Covid 19 and vaccinations.
Being a friend of many Jews in my life, I also couldn’t deal with the truth about the Khazarian Mafia (aka the “synagogue of Satan”, those who say they are jews but are not). Well, I still love my Jewish friends, and am thrilled with the existence of the nation of Israel, even though many bad people were involved in its restoration. The Bible clearly says that the nation of Israel will exist again, and that it is NOT because the Jews are righteous, but because God’ promises are trustworthy.
It took a long time for me to resolve my opinions and recalculate my understandings, feel ready to speak again.
What has never shaken is my confidence in the Lord and in His Word. If I couldn’t get the straight truth on TV or online, I could get the truth by opening my Bible and being instructed by the Holy Spirit.
So there it is. And this was the brief version; you wouldn’t want to sit through the long version.
~ Trail Dust