Tuesday Funny: The New Math

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Did you know that 100 million + 100 million = 100 billion?

And that 300 Americans will be vaccinated because of an extra 200 million vaccines? (6:23 mark)

H/t yyz


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James Stepp
James Stepp
4 years ago

THAT kind of math explains the Obama Badministration’s pitiful economic recovery….

Last edited 4 years ago by James Stepp
4 years ago

I feel so lucky to have gotten one of the 300 shots available in the USA this past week, esp. in one of the most failed and mismanaged states in the USA, & extra esp. since the stellar, brainiac (NOT!) Kamala Harris (hated in her own degenerate state of CA…did you know?) did an interview and basically stated that she and Joe were starting from “scratch” on the COVID front b/c Donald Trump had essentially done “nothing.” HELLO KAMALA! What planet are you on? The shot is in my arm and you and Creepy Old Joe had NOTHING to do with it.