I especially liked the last one and the uncanny resemblance. Of course, the one on the right is by far the more dangerous animal of the two.
The Secretary of Health is really a hoot, as is comparing Harris to a ravening dog.
That Secretary of Health is one UGLY—–whatever it is.
The green vehicles one is pretty funny!
Thank you Dr. E for this clever post. Kamala is constantly laughing and the analogy you provided is perfect. She even laughs at very serious matters. God help us!
I especially liked the last one and the uncanny resemblance. Of course, the one on the right is by far the more dangerous animal of the two.
The Secretary of Health is really a hoot, as is comparing Harris to a ravening dog.
That Secretary of Health is one UGLY—–whatever it is.
The green vehicles one is pretty funny!
Thank you Dr. E for this clever post. Kamala is constantly laughing and the analogy you provided is perfect. She even laughs at very serious matters. God help us!