A male presence was beside her the whole time. He was filled with light. And offered comforting words. And love.
Pretty powerful.
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A male presence was beside her the whole time. He was filled with light. And offered comforting words. And love.
Pretty powerful.
Thank you DCG
Pfeifer’s near death experience is consistent with the countless reported and recorded NDEs — a cross-cultural, cross-religious phenomenon that speaks not only to our having a soul, but also that that there is life after death.
I can’s not help but be spiritually strengthened by other’s testimonies of their personal experience with “near death.” I just lost my best girlfriend, after having been diagnosed with breast cancer, just this last week. Although I am extremely sad, I am grateful to know that Ginny is in a good and loving place.
Thank you DCG for this wonderful post. Her rendition of what happened to her is amazing. I wonder if the being she saw was her personal guardian angel. She is so inspirational and her description of everything she experienced is so transcendent.
She explains her near death experience in beautiful detail. Very edifying. I have heard of similar testimonies of Christians on their deathbeds: filled with joy and peace and they are seeing or talking with loved ones in heaven.
On the other hand, unbelievers die in unbelievable horror. I was hitchhiking in Idaho a number of years ago. I met this guy who knew the local county coroner. The county coroner told him that many of the corpses he had to examine would have these horrible, twisted, contorted features frozen on their faces. These dying people were absolutely terrorized knowing that they were now descending into hell.
I used to hitchhike in and out of Riverton, Wyoming many times over the years. I would stay at the local homeless shelter for a day or two and then hit the road. One time I showed up and the guys working at the shelter told me that this older guy died the night before I arrived. Just before he died, some of the guys sleeping next to him (they all slept on the floor) said that he was telling someone to get away from him; he was using his hands wildly to keep someone from getting to him. He was greatly agitated just before he died. I was told that he was a known sex offender in the county.
Very interesting, Tim. Horrific NDEs are seldom reported. Bill Clinton had one, but accounts of that seem to have been scrubbed from the internet.
Dr.E: This is Bill Clinton’s NDE that was posted in 2004:
“Clinton describes near-death experience: Former president Bill Clinton says that during his heart operation last month, he had visions of life and death, mingled with images of his wife and daughter. ‘I saw, like, dark masks crushing, like, death masks being crushed, in series, and then I’d see these great circles of light and then, like, Hillary’s picture or Chelsea’s face would appear on the light, and then they’d fly off into the dark,’ Clinton said in an interview on ABC’s Primetime Live. Clinton rejoined the campaign trail this week promoting presidential nominee John Kerry and other Democratic candidates.”
Clinton describes near-death experience (freerepublic.com)
It looks like Bill Clinton is describing hell. He sees “dark masks”, “death masks being crushed”, “Hillary’s picture”, “Chelsea’s face” and they would fly off into the dark. It sure doesn’t sound like heaven.
I have read of people dying and going to hell and their descriptions are pretty horrible. Here are some pictures that a young Korean artist drew of hell; Jesus took her to hell so she could warn people:
A Young Korean Artist Was Taken to Visit Hell and These Were The Pictures She Drew (WARNING: Scary Pictures, Parental Guidance Needed) – Singapore Christian
Thank you, Tim! I am planning to write a book on precisely this.
We can only imagine how utterly horrific the NDEs were for people like Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Mao Zedong with the blood of hundreds of millions of people on their hands.
Here is Voltaire’s deathbed experience:
The Death of Voltaire
Voices from the Edge of Eternity
Compiled by John Myers
Last Hours On Earth Of The Noted French Infidel, Voltaire
Pages 21-22:
“When Voltaire felt the stroke which he realized must terminate in death, he was overpowered with remorse. He at once sent for the priest and wanted to be ‘reconciled to the church.’ His infidel flatterers hastened to his chamber to prevent his incantation, but it was only to witness his ignominy and their own. He cursed them to their faces and, since his distress was increased by their presence, repeatedly and loudly exclaimed, ‘Begone! It is you that have brought me to my present condition. Leave me, I say — begone! What a wretched glory is this which you have produced for me!’
“Hoping to allay his anguish by a written recantation, he had it prepared, signed it, and saw it witnessed. But it was all unavailing. For two months he was tortured with such an agony as led him at times to gnash his teeth in impotent rage against God and man. At other times, in plaintive accents, he would plead, ‘O Christ! O Lord Jesus!’ Then, turning his face he would cry out, ‘I must die — abandoned of God and of men!’
“As his end drew near his condition became so frightful that his infidel associates were afraid to approach his bedside. Still they guarded the door, that others might not know how awfully an infidel was compelled to die. Even his nurse repeatedly said that for all the wealth of Europe she would never see another infidel die. It was a scene of horror that lies beyond all exaggeration.
“Such is the well-attested end of this man who had a natural sovereignty of intellect, excellent education, great wealth and much earthly honor.”
—The Contrast Between Infidelity and Christianity
The Death of Voltaire | The Road (wordpress.com)
Here is a very interesting video about Bill Clinton:
Bill Clinton in Hypnotic Trance
bill clinton in hypnotic trance – YouTube