Definition of “free fall”:
- the hypothetical fall of a body such that the only force acting upon it is that of gravity.
- a decline, especially a sudden or rapid decline, as in value or prestige, that appears to be endless or bottomless:
— Old Row (@OldRowViral) September 15, 2021
From Stephen L. Miller, “The Biden presidency is in free-fall,” Spectator World, Sept. 20, 2021:
You’re not imagining things — the Biden presidency is in a state of free-fall.
This is not a joke. It’s not an overreaction. It’s not about Biden’s opponents pouncing or seizing. Biden’s presidency has a very real chance of completely foundering within its first year. After a promising start where he inherited a vaccination process that was already in progress, albeit briefly, under Trump, his vaccine strategy has stalled to the point of him now demanding mandates on private businesses, a step he assured the electorate he would not take. Last Friday, an FDA panel bucked Biden’s booster rollout program, which was slated to begin this week.
That was one of many self-inflicted wounds that Biden suffered at the end of last week as he took off for the Delaware coast for a long weekend of bike-riding and ignoring reporters. In the span of that single afternoon, the Pentagon also revealed that a retaliatory drone strike for the deaths of 13 US service-members at Kabul airport did not kill any Isis-K terrorists, as Biden and his State Department had claimed, but instead killed an innocent US-linked aid worker, as well as seven children. Neither Biden nor his press secretary Jen Psaki have answered questions on this matter. Their strategic silence is all we need to evaluate how they think this looks – and they are correct.
Along with the self-imposed Afghanistan debacle, which has created an enormous refugee crisis in a foreign region, Biden has caused another one on our southern border. Drone footage and photos splashed all over social media this weekend showed thousands of migrants, some believed to be Haitian, crossing the Rio Grande river into Del Rio, Texas, unabated. They had to be corralled under the Del Rio Bridge, with several even crafting makeshift tents and shelters.
Biden promised that America would be back. Instead we’re getting his back, as he turns his away from the microphone every time one is placed in front of him. His ‘strategy’ has also not helped with allies, as France recalled their ambassador over a secret deal between the US and Australia that saw Washington renege (according to the French) on an agreement to sell nuclear submarine technology to them and not the Aussies (crikey!). I’m not going to pretend I understand all the particulars of why the French are upset with us this time, but recalling an ambassador sure sounds serious for an administration that prided itself on being the adult on the world stage.
And finally, Joe Biden’s domestic agenda, which he placed in Nancy Pelosi’s carbon-dated hands, has all but stalled, thanks to her stubborn refusal to advance Biden’s infrastructure package without budget reconciliation, something members of his own party have told him is a non-starter.
There’s only one reason Hidin’ Biden was even considered to be in the running for President, and it isn’t because he’s even remotely qualified for the position. He needs to be removed immediately via the 25th Amendment, and Pelosi needs to be removed as well by the same process. I’m SURE enough illegal activity, as well as crimes amounting to major National Security breaches could be proven to prosecute and convict her and thus preclude her taking over the Office of President. That would stop any of those three from conducting any Presidential business at all until after 2024,by which I’m confident we would again have a Republican President, probably America’s President Trump, and control of the House and the Senate. I’m not an Attorney, but in light of the pages and pages of laws the Democrats broke since Biden was allowed to run for President, even in his diminished mental condition, and all the rules changed DURING the Campaign and Election which can be clearly shown to ONLY benefit the Democrats, and providing the USSC can be expected to show no bias, I believe we can see this, or a variance of this result happen, and after the 2020 Election debacle, America will be watching, so I think the Election of ’24 will be MUCH more honest.
TRUMP 2024-The Revenge Tour
Removing Biden from office would solve nothing. The order of presidential succession goes like this: President, Vice President, Speaker of the House. So, if Biden is removed, for any reason even if it is only his voluntary resignation, Kamala Harris becomes president for the remainder of the term. As President, Harris can pick whom ever she wants to become vice president. And who would she pick? No doubt it would be Nancy Pelosi. She is the logical choice. Therefore, Biden’s removal from office would leave us with a Harris-Pelosi administration. God help us if Biden is removed!
You’re right, Grif. We’re screwed with or without Biden in office
Grif, Kamala would NOT have to “pick” Pelosi as VP….she is already 3rd in line to the Presidency in the Constitutional line up. We already saw this Constitutional shift when Nixon resigned, and VP Agnew had been sent to prison “nolo contendre” abt income tax problems….and the speaker of the House…..Gerald Ford, became POTUS ( who served without a VP .during his tenure in office.) If this does not go so smoothly, the Constitution provides that, after the Speaker of the House, the order of presidency goes through a number of Cabinet members…..
PS to Grif…..yes…any which way, we are screwed in this situation. We have to, unfortunately pray, that the senile Biden lives & somewhat functions through the next few years…and that, meanwhile, the mid-term elections overwhelm and cancel out his “presidency” until an oppositional candidate elected POTUS…& the House and Senate are elected out of the hands of radical “progressionists” (Marxists).
Glad to hear stadia full of people chanting because, morally, they’re right.
Sickening-absolutely sickening.