Honest boy returns airpods

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Airpods are wireless headphones — and they’re not cheap.

Walmart is selling Apple Airpods in a charging case for $119.00.

Watch what this boy does when he found an airpods case in a convenient store.

There is still hope for America!


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3 years ago

His family, I hope, is very proud of him b/c I suspect they were instrumental in raising this honest (and loveable) child. He did not know anyone was recording him….so his actions were pure and altruistic…..not a “performance.” I am “over the moon” when I encounter these students in my classroom…..Hope springs eternal for the well-being of our communities and our country when we experience the actions of such young as these. And, yes, I’ve had a few turn in lost items that would be very valuable to the finder, but who were honest and earnest to find the true owner.

3 years ago

I LOVED that-the boy did the right thing TWICE! How cool was that?

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
3 years ago

That made my heart soar–what a wonderful little boy. It is obvious that his parents have been teaching him right from wrong.

3 years ago

Thank you Dr.E for this uplifting post! God gives us hope in many forms, this is one of them, the goodness of others. Not only did this boy return the property to the clerk initially, he did it again when the clerk left it in the bag. Can you imagine how happy his guardian angel is about his honesty!