Where do you fit in the political typology?
Are you a Faith and Flag Conservative? Progressive Left? Or somewhere in between?
Pew Research Center has a quiz to find out which one of nine political typology groups is your best match, compared with a nationally representative survey of more than 10,000 U.S. adults.
If you find some of these questions difficult to answer, just pick the answer that comes closest to your view, even if it isn’t exactly right.
To take the quiz, click here, then report back your result!
My result:
Populist Right
… along with 11% of the public
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This quiz is vapid, meaningless drivel and was written by someone who is stuck in the political dogma of our day.
Gosh, bless your heart, Shoal. This is meant to be fun. Do tell us why this quiz is “drivel” in your highness’ opinion.
It said I was a populist and explained what it was but I don’t feel like a populist really I pinched my arm and im sure but hey who am I LOL it was fun to take though. Thanks DrE
I’m a faith-and-flag conservative.
Faith and Flag too.
Faith and Flag Conservative… along with 10% of the public
I think where the %age really factors in, is the how much you like Dems & GOPs question.
Faith and Flag Conservative
Flag and Faith conservative….You know, this past Wed., the day before Veteran’s Day, one of my students asked me to see if I could find a youtube about returning veterans that we could watch. I usually try to stay away from anything patriotic or conservative here in CA, esp as a public school teacher, b/c I don’t want to be called on the carpet for offending a kid who goes home and totally misrepresents, by omission or other, what I’ve said or done. But, this little kid was so earnest. So, I told him,” I have something to share that you might never see again anywhere else in your school career.” With this class and the rest of the classes of the day, I projected the only pic I have of my 3x great-grandfather who fought with the 56th PA in the Civil War, and who did not come home to his wife and 6 children. I told his story of multiple enlistment, multiple wounds. I told the story of his family & our nation in the aftermath of his death as he defended what he believed in, and what he hoped to uphold for the future of his Democratic -Republic. I was overwhelmed with the realization at the end of my 20 min. spiel on this that you could hear a pin drop in my room that day….and so many little faces looked up at me at the end of class and thanked me for telling the story. Totally unexpected. But then….totally asked-for/prompted and unplanned by a student who asked to learn more. I am so happy I could respond.
Faith & flag
Faith and Flag Conservative-as usual,some of the answers I would have given were not among the options offered. Interesting quiz though. I rarely find anything I feel actually meshes with my beliefs,you can consider that good or bad-your choice.
Faith and Flag baby!
I also check in as a faith and flag concretive, a designation for which I give absolutely no apology.