A generation almost gone the legacy they leave behind should never be forgot for the sacrifice they made for our freedom.
Gracie Storvika
3 years ago
God Bless one of the greatest generation!
3 years ago
Fantastic!!!! Love to hear these turn of events! My M-I-L grew to young adulthood while trapped w/a grandparent during WW II bombings on Malta. She’d been taken there for an extended visit after her mom died (she was 8 at the time). She got out nr end of war in Europe to come back to the USA at age 18 (she was born in Detroit, of Polish immigrant mom & Maltese Merchant seaman dad). We know she went to private British schools as a child in Malta, but never knew what kind of “high school” she might have had during the war. Nevertheless, in her 70’s, she pursued a community college degree. Some of the more difficult courses, for which she had no background at all, she took twice. She proudly graduated w/AA degree nearing age 80. She, too pursued writing children’s books & memoirs into her late 80’s when, sadly, dementia took over her efforts. She is still healthy physically, & age 96, walks 5 miles a day. She takes a thyroid pill daily…that’s it. I am in awe of her, & of those others, like Sam Baker. We can only hope to lead lives so full of purpose & effectiveness, AND so long!
Reuben G.
3 years ago
This is just so great, thank you! We should never adopt the “I’m too old” or “it’s too late” attitude.
What an inspiration to us all.
A generation almost gone the legacy they leave behind should never be forgot for the sacrifice they made for our freedom.
God Bless one of the greatest generation!
Fantastic!!!! Love to hear these turn of events! My M-I-L grew to young adulthood while trapped w/a grandparent during WW II bombings on Malta. She’d been taken there for an extended visit after her mom died (she was 8 at the time). She got out nr end of war in Europe to come back to the USA at age 18 (she was born in Detroit, of Polish immigrant mom & Maltese Merchant seaman dad). We know she went to private British schools as a child in Malta, but never knew what kind of “high school” she might have had during the war. Nevertheless, in her 70’s, she pursued a community college degree. Some of the more difficult courses, for which she had no background at all, she took twice. She proudly graduated w/AA degree nearing age 80. She, too pursued writing children’s books & memoirs into her late 80’s when, sadly, dementia took over her efforts. She is still healthy physically, & age 96, walks 5 miles a day. She takes a thyroid pill daily…that’s it. I am in awe of her, & of those others, like Sam Baker. We can only hope to lead lives so full of purpose & effectiveness, AND so long!
This is just so great, thank you! We should never adopt the “I’m too old” or “it’s too late” attitude.