WWII vet becomes children’s book author at age 99

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Good for him!

You can read the whole story about Sam Baker here.


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3 years ago

What an inspiration to us all.

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
3 years ago

A generation almost gone the legacy they leave behind should never be forgot for the sacrifice they made for our freedom.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
3 years ago

God Bless one of the greatest generation!

3 years ago

Fantastic!!!! Love to hear these turn of events! My M-I-L grew to young adulthood while trapped w/a grandparent during WW II bombings on Malta. She’d been taken there for an extended visit after her mom died (she was 8 at the time). She got out nr end of war in Europe to come back to the USA at age 18 (she was born in Detroit, of Polish immigrant mom & Maltese Merchant seaman dad). We know she went to private British schools as a child in Malta, but never knew what kind of “high school” she might have had during the war. Nevertheless, in her 70’s, she pursued a community college degree. Some of the more difficult courses, for which she had no background at all, she took twice. She proudly graduated w/AA degree nearing age 80. She, too pursued writing children’s books & memoirs into her late 80’s when, sadly, dementia took over her efforts. She is still healthy physically, & age 96, walks 5 miles a day. She takes a thyroid pill daily…that’s it. I am in awe of her, & of those others, like Sam Baker. We can only hope to lead lives so full of purpose & effectiveness, AND so long!

Reuben G.
Reuben G.
3 years ago

This is just so great, thank you! We should never adopt the “I’m too old” or “it’s too late” attitude.