Excellent funnies! I thought the one about “mother’s fearing for the safety of their sons who are participating in robbery: to be sadly all to true in our current society. Frankly, I always feel a certain sigh of relief when someone “takes out the trash” so to speak. We all suffer when today’s mother’s do such a horrifically poor job of bringing up their children properly.
Great post, DCG! I actually couldn’t pick a favorite! But Beaker has always been a favorite Muppet character.
1 year ago
Great funnies! Love all but partial to the one about Public Schools since I teach. Nearing my 30 yr-mark, will retire then, & have seen education “morph” fr public education in the 3 R’s, into socio-political agenda today. I have to remember student’s individual pronouns, have to keep secrets fr parents who are begging me for information on why their child has “suddenly” changed into a stranger who fails every class, have to keep secret that there is a “LGBTQ+” lunch time “club” on my campus…..& continuing BS that stresses & shames me as a public school teacher. Plus now, the climate crap. Here in CA, if I don’t follow these edicts, I will not only lose my job, but my retirement pension that I’ve earned through many hard, long years. As it is, I started teaching late, after my kids were older. I am well-past “normal” retirement yrs, with recent health probs, and still working. To my mind, it’s a sort of “extortion” that they put out here in CA to teachers to make us “line up” with their agenda. The minute I retire, I’m outta here for an East Coast conservative, low tax/no tax state….in the wake of so many like me fleeing Mexifornia.
So good and so true.
Excellent funnies! I thought the one about “mother’s fearing for the safety of their sons who are participating in robbery: to be sadly all to true in our current society. Frankly, I always feel a certain sigh of relief when someone “takes out the trash” so to speak. We all suffer when today’s mother’s do such a horrifically poor job of bringing up their children properly.
You are so right about that. This what happens when they take God out of everything it all goes to h_ll in a hand-basket.
Great post, DCG! I actually couldn’t pick a favorite! But Beaker has always been a favorite Muppet character.
Great funnies! Love all but partial to the one about Public Schools
since I teach. Nearing my 30 yr-mark, will retire then, & have seen education “morph” fr public education in the 3 R’s, into socio-political agenda today. I have to remember student’s individual pronouns, have to keep secrets fr parents who are begging me for information on why their child has “suddenly” changed into a stranger who fails every class, have to keep secret that there is a “LGBTQ+” lunch time “club” on my campus…..& continuing BS that stresses & shames me as a public school teacher. Plus now, the climate crap. Here in CA, if I don’t follow these edicts, I will not only lose my job, but my retirement pension that I’ve earned through many hard, long years. As it is, I started teaching late, after my kids were older. I am well-past “normal” retirement yrs, with recent health probs, and still working. To my mind, it’s a sort of “extortion” that they put out here in CA to teachers to make us “line up” with their agenda. The minute I retire, I’m outta here for an East Coast conservative, low tax/no tax state….in the wake of so many like me fleeing Mexifornia.