I am Glad my parents and Grandparents are not alive if they were the pain they would endure because of all the blood, sweat, and tears they put forth to keep us free. Sad day in our history.
1 year ago
Oil, gas and coal are NOT fossil fuels; they are ‘abiotic.’ All the world’s leaders know this. They know there has never been a shortage, or as they call it, ‘peak oil.’ The Earth produces these energy sources in abundance and in an endless supply. They are God’s gift to the world, since He knows that energy is necessary for the progress of humanity.
The fossil fuel idea came from the connection of coal coming from decomposed and compressed plant matter, while oil in the 1800’s came from the fat of large animals, specifically whales.
At approximately the same time that crude oil was discovered, the fossilized skeletal remains of dinosaurs were beginning to be found. It wasn’t too hard to convince the public that these were the large animals that the crude oil in the ground came from just like the oil they were currently using came from the whales.
The earth’s crust is full of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Put them under the intense pressure and heat at great depths and they will combine into all sorts of larger molecules. Eventually, these new molecules percolate up through the crust to where they pool in advantageous rock formations.
I like the retirement plan – retirement’s not in my vocabulary, but if I could get to Mexico, maybe I can retire after all!
J F Lombardi
1 year ago
this cache of memes was truly awesome…sadly…so many good ones that speak to the current state of the USA. thank you for your posts and work.
p.s. thank you for the snippet on oil. The book “The Prize” written years ago details the history of oil…i thought i knew all there was to the story of this plentiful resource…..but i did not, thank you for that piece.
Insightful memes.
I can’t handle the truth.
I am Glad my parents and Grandparents are not alive if they were the pain they would endure because of all the blood, sweat, and tears they put forth to keep us free. Sad day in our history.
Oil, gas and coal are NOT fossil fuels; they are ‘abiotic.’ All the world’s leaders know this. They know there has never been a shortage, or as they call it, ‘peak oil.’ The Earth produces these energy sources in abundance and in an endless supply. They are God’s gift to the world, since He knows that energy is necessary for the progress of humanity.
The fossil fuel idea came from the connection of coal coming from decomposed and compressed plant matter, while oil in the 1800’s came from the fat of large animals, specifically whales.
At approximately the same time that crude oil was discovered, the fossilized skeletal remains of dinosaurs were beginning to be found. It wasn’t too hard to convince the public that these were the large animals that the crude oil in the ground came from just like the oil they were currently using came from the whales.
The earth’s crust is full of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Put them under the intense pressure and heat at great depths and they will combine into all sorts of larger molecules. Eventually, these new molecules percolate up through the crust to where they pool in advantageous rock formations.
Clintons are always gonna be grifters. It’s was they learn best in The Swamp.
Ohhhhh, I hope that last one’s not photoshopped!
I like the retirement plan – retirement’s not in my vocabulary, but if I could get to Mexico, maybe I can retire after all!
this cache of memes was truly awesome…sadly…so many good ones that speak to the current state of the USA. thank you for your posts and work.
p.s. thank you for the snippet on oil. The book “The Prize” written years ago details the history of oil…i thought i knew all there was to the story of this plentiful resource…..but i did not, thank you for that piece.