Democrats think you are stupid…

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After Biden’s disasterous debate performance, the mask is off.

We’ve known for several years that Biden has some cognitive issues. We can clearly see this every time he opens his mouth.

Yet the democrats (media, Hollyweird, liberal pundits, etc.) were pushing another narrative and protecting Biden because OrangeManBad.

Two months ago, this was actor Michael Douglas praising Biden as being “sharp as a tack.”

Flash forward to today and Douglas has had a change of heart (along with actor George Clooney, who just raised money for Biden at a fundraiser). Douglas now says, “the Democratic party needs to “get it in sync, you know, just for a candidate.”

My how the winds have shifted once the truth is now allowed to be said.

Just how long will Biden hold on? Will Dr. Jill be able to drag him across the finish line?

Democrats really think you are stupid. Turns out they are too stupid to realize that we will not give into their essential command.


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3 months ago

Ask me. Born in PA, I grew up later in neighboring little Maryland, next to neighboring little Delaware next to the little District of Columbia. I was 18 when Joe Biden ran for Senate. Joe Biden was always considered the DUMBEST member of the Senate…we never knew how he got there except he was from Delaware & no one cared or paid attention. Barack Hussein Obama selected him as his VP b/c Biden was a stupid “yes-man” & on Senate foreign-relations committee (of which Obama had no experience). He also selected him b/c, in my words, “NO man’s head could be higher than the King.” You are seeing today the fruits of this harvest….the outcome of the Obama admin & legacy…so be it. Let them deal with it. The Dems do not even have a “bench” or anything CLOSE to it for a generation. No one’s head could be higher than the King (Obama). It is not going well as a consequence these years after. Bitter fruits of the bitter tree.

Captain America
Captain America
3 months ago

Michael Douglas: Throat cancer from eating someone so stank, he got cancer.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
3 months ago

No doubt the “poison” from escapades such as that have affected his brain.

While it is true that Hollywood really became established during the bleak time of the Great Depression, because they could put out films that took the people’s minds off of the misery they were going thru. This gave rise to the weirdo’s in Hollywood being elevated to the status as iconic Gods, whose every word should be revered and believed by the peons. Those days have passed, and it is high time that thinking Americans remove these evil fools from their pedestals and cease to even listen to the moronic words coming out of their mouths. Michael Douglas is but one of these fools whose expiration date has long passed.

J F Lombardi
J F Lombardi
3 months ago

Thank you for the Orwell quote,…so, sadly fitting. And true…get the truth out.

3 months ago

We, the “little people” (to the elites, including the Hollywood elites), are far from being stupid. It is they, the elites who have such contempt and low regard for us, who are the stupid and blind ones. I believe they actually managed to convince themselves of the Big Lie that Biden has all his marbles, that they actually believed he was not senile. All of which means that not only are Democrats stupid and blind, they are mentally ill in that they are delusional.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
3 months ago
Reply to  DrE

You have well stated what is so obvious. Many of us are left with our mouths hanging open–wondering how it is that when we could see with certainty that the man in the Oval Office was just plain–not all there. One can only conclude that anyone who actually believed that Biden was “sharp as a tack” was suffering from mental illness and was highly delusional themselves. Case in point, just look at the dingbat woman on The View (if you can stand to watch it.) It is hard to imagine that any reputable broadcasting company would gather together such a group of delusional old crones and allow them to spout their nonsense over the public airwaves.

Kelleigh Nelson
Kelleigh Nelson
3 months ago

Like they don’t know who is really running the country into the ground…Obama! Unbelievable!

Mark S. McGrew
Mark S. McGrew
3 months ago

Intelligent people think other people are as intelligent or more so than they are. Stupid people believe that everyone else is more stupid than they are.

3 months ago

They think the people are stupid, because they have been brainwashing and dumbing down generations in our public schools, beginning in the 1960s.