Seattle is a hardcore, progressive blue city. They’ve had a demorat mayor in office since 1969. The consistently vote for progressive, ultra-left council members that once included the socialist Kshama Sawant.
Seattle’s fight to increase the minimum wage dates back to 2014 with the “Fight for $15” movement. Many residents approved of the increase that resulted in Seattle having the highest minimum wage of any major city in the United States.
Fast forward ten years: After four years of “Bidenomics” and several years of crushing Wuhan virus restrictions set by Governor Inslee, Seattleites are now singing a different tune with a new minimum wage of $20.76 per hour.
The result: Many Seattle residents vow to quit tipping restaurant working staff in the new year.
From MyNorthwest:
“As Seattle ushers in the new year, a growing number of residents are pledging to stop tipping much or even altogether. This movement, gaining traction on Reddit, is a direct response to the city’s escalating minimum wage, which will rise to $20.76 an hour in 2025, up from $19.97 in 2024. Reddit Seattle has been buzzing on the topic of tipping. With Seattle now boasting one of the highest minimum wages in the nation, many in Seattle question the necessity of tipping on top of already substantial wages, especially in the context of escalating prices in restaurants and retail.
The city’s minimum wage ordinance, which mandates annual increases based on inflation, was supposedly designed to ensure a “living wage” for all workers. But the Seattle minimum wage crusade came with unintended consequences. Consumers complain about ‘tipping fatigue,’ exacerbated by ‘tipflation,’ where suggested gratuities have risen in tandem with wages.
Seattle restaurant operators are panicked ahead of a minimum wage update that will now prevent tips and benefits from being deducted from hourly wages. For some Seattle restaurants, it will add about $45,000 in expenses per month that they don’t have.
When Seattle leaders hastily passed a $15 minimum wage hike, they offered a 10-year ramp-up period for small businesses (those with 500 or fewer employees). Under the current formula, restaurants may pay a $17.25 hourly wage if their employees earn at least $2.72 in tips per hour or in medical benefits. In 2025, this practice ends and the city of Seattle has refused to step in and help already-struggling restaurants.
Without tips, servers who once made $40-$50 an hour during busy shifts could find themselves stuck at Seattle’s flat-rate minimum wage if or when tipping culture changes or ends.”
Read the whole story here.
Rising food and labor costs, combined with Washington State’s Wuhan virus restrictions, have led to many restaurant closures.
I have no doubt that this new mininum wage will result in more restaurant closures. And I also have no doubt that Seattleites will never comprehend this message:
You just can’t fix stupid no matter how much you educate them. Drill a hole in their heads and pour it in and you see it was diverted to the back side and it slid right out nothing stayed in the old cranium.
Minimum wages are for low-skills jobs. At a minimum wage of $20.76 an hour, which comes to a whopping monthly wage of $3,321.60 and a yearly wage of $39,859.20 (8-hours day, 5 days a week), I think the customers should be tipped.
I agree. This business for paying “daily wages” for entry level jobs is so stupid. It also severely damages the economy. Look at all the fast food places that have closed up in California since they started tweeking their minimum wage policy. Sadly, we vote in people who are just plain dumb as dirt–then everythng goes to the dogs.
Waitstaff used to do so well when they gave great service and people tipped well. The politicians are destroying not only the job base, but the opportunity to make enough money to live on. Fools all.
Wow! They just don’t get it!
Merchant’s Cafe, Seattle’s oldest standing restaurant, has announced they are closing on New Year’s Day.
Good job, proggies.
Historic Merchant’s Café in Seattle reportedly is closing in days
Sadly, this is exactly what happens when these supposed well intentioned leftists get in office. They literally kill off jobs, and the tax base. For those of us who are on-lookers, we sit by scratching our heads wondering why they cannot see the harm they are doing!
I agree, these cities that have imposed such high minimum wages, and then patrons are also expected to pay 20-30% on top of that as a gratuity. It is just too much. People on a fixed income are not able to eat out, or afford food delivery due to the high cost.
Sometime after my father had passed away, I was reading an article which outlined the list of all the people who had performed personal services for oneself, and how much they should be tipped. You can imagine my surprise when I read that it was appropriate to pay the Undertaker/Funeral Director a 15-20% tip for their services. Sorry! But that’s “Big Negatory” I figured after I had already paid $15,000 for his funeral arrangements (He had already pre-paid many of the items already) I was not about to tip on top of what I considered to already be well paid for a grave-side service, where they had no active part in the service.
People are just exhausted by the stupid stuff these liberal cities force on us, and then individuals want more and more monies from us on top of excellent wages.
And another restaurant bites the dust:
Popular breakfast restaurant forced to close over new minimum wage law hike in Washington | Daily Mail Online
Look guys…lets get back to basics: tips are for superior service, not for just showing up for business as usual. Not to off-set a wage that the employer is not willing to pay. Once I had such an adversarial waitress in a Colorado resort & left her a ONE PENNY tip. Do you think she got my message? Another time in a tiny mom & pop diner in Virginia, I left a $20 tip to a local college kid who bent over backward to please…& I don’t even think my dinner bill was $20. When I was recently hospitalized w/heart failure, my husband watched over my care & “tipped” certain nurses w/Starbuck gift cards….I was well cared-for, believe me…So, you have to go back to the original basis of “tipping” to weigh how it should be used now. With the dawn of mandated $20 & more minimum wages….the idea of a 20% tip must change & revert to the original idea that tips are a product of superior service….not just “showing up.”