Clueless Hollyweird still not getting my money

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Hollywood has been tanking at the box office for the last couple years. Between the “wokeness” of their films and the out-of-touch stars, it’s not a surprise that many Americans have turned their back on their products.

I recently saw the trailer for the new movie, Twisters – a sequel to the 1996 film Twister. It looked good and thought we might go see it even though we haven’t been to a movie theater in years. Take a look:

Then I did a little digging into the movie because I didn’t want to waste my money on any wokeness. And, of course, I found some. From an interview with the screenplay writer:

“Another notable change to the movie from its predecessor is the way it will incorporate the theme of climate change into the narrative. Weintraub asked about the impact that thirty years of global warming would have on the size and scale of the storms that would be seen on-screen, and Smith admitted that it would be a key factor in the plot of the film. “That’s one of the things that we kind of tapped, and it’s true,” he confirmed. “I talked to so many storm experts, tornado experts, storm chasers, and rode around with some. Even the tornado season itself, because of climate change, what used to be tornado alley going through a certain stretch. It now extends so further east, and it’s moving across, and the dates are wider, and the numbers are higher, and the storms themselves are more violent. So we did use elements of that just to shine a light on it, as well, the causes and effects of climate change.”

Can’t I just see a movie without having some political hoax shoved down my throat? Apparently not. Another Hollyweird movie I will not be seeing.

Then there are the Hollyweird stars who are so out of touch with reality…

Actress Cate Blanchett was at Cannes Film Festival promoting a new movie, Rumours, which sounds like a complete dud. The premise: “World leaders meet at the G7 but get lost in the woods whilst trying to compose a joint statement on an unspecified global crisis. Beset by thick fog and menaced by undead bog bodies and a giant brain, they navigate the tortured passions between them.”

Hard pass on that movie, too, especially after hearing this:

While speaking of her experience with refugee filmmakers, Cate Blanchett said the following: “I’m white, I’m privileged, I’m middle class and I think one can be accused of having a bit of a white savior complex.”

“Middle class” actress Cate Blanchett

Speak for yourself, honey. FYI: Cate Blanchett is worth $95 million.

Hollyweird ruins everything they touch.

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Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
4 months ago

Sad when you can’t even find a movie with out woke in it. We are getting closer and the heat is going up by the day….

4 months ago

The latest Mad Max spin-off tanked… the whole story/franchise revolves around Max and that’s it (and it ain’t “woke”-able, at least for an audience who might want to see it):

4 months ago

Haven’t been to a movie theatre in decades. Choose only rare ones to view at home years later after they’ve “proven themselves” to be worthy of my attention. For starters, here in CA, you can’t attend a movie theatre without people talking, playing on their (lighted) phones, or their children running up and down the aisles, etc, not to mention the fear of some freak setting himself or you on fire or bringing in a gun to kill you…or “just” the Corona Virus or an up-from-the-border TB resistant to all drugs OR now the invasive Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy—I kid you NOT). Not how I want to spend a free evening or my money. So, way before this decade or more, I’ve ignored most of what Hollyweird has had to offer.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
4 months ago
Reply to  Calgirl

Thank you for bringing up all the horrible diseases that are being brought across our Southern Border. All too many people are unaware of this fact. Bubonic Plague has even been found in a couple of our Southern States; who in their right mind would ever think that such a disease would once again plague our citizens?

I am going to recount a story which I personally witnesses about two years ago. I am from the West Coast, so I do not know if other states have this same food item available to them, in this same kind of packaging. I went to my local Fred Meyer Store (Kroger Store) where they sell roasted chicken which is bagged in a plastic zip loop closing bag. I watched in horror as two Hispanic looking women approached the heated stand where these chickens were displayed–they opened the bag and each woman proceeded to poke her fingers into the breast of the roasted chicken, and they smelled the chicken. All the while I was attempting to quell my urge to vomit, and then go over and slap these two women into next week! This kind of behavior is one that would be exhibited by individuals who have little to no education. Why would anyone else want to purchase food that someone has inoculated with their germs, and bacteria by touching the food? This particular behavior is just one behavior that could spread some of these third world diseases to the citizens of our nation. Yet, those in charge of our government are unconcerned.

I must confess, after witnessing this display of sheer ignorance–I never again purchased a roasted chicken in one of these plastic bags. It is just to risky.

4 months ago

So Cate Blanchard, with $95 million, claims to be middle class? Whom is she kidding? She is repugnant.

Kelleigh Nelson
Kelleigh Nelson
4 months ago

They’re not getting our money either. Last decent movie we saw was Sound of Freedom in the theatre and we only went because we love Jim Caviezel. We hadn’t been to the theatre in 25 years before that. We watched Ordinary Angels at home because it was a true story and was really good.

Other than that, only one I can think of that was spectacular was the Tom Cruise movie, Top Gun Maverick.

4 months ago

The last movie I saw in a theater was Passion of the Christ, which came out years ago. I only watch Hallmark and Hallmark Mystery on TV; so far, they have avoided Woke, but if they ever go that way, I won’t be watching them either.