Tag Archives: Australian Senate hearing on Pfizer Covid vaccine

Why were Pfizer employees given a “special batch” of Covid vaccine?

On August 2, 2023, the Australian Senate’s Education and Employment Legislation Committee conducted a hearing, in which two officers of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer (Pfizer Australia’s Country Medical Director, Dr. Krishan Thiru, and Head of Regulatory Sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt) admitted that:

  1. Pfizer employees received a different “special batch” of COVID vaccine.
  2. Pfizer didn’t understand the mechanism by which the COVID vaccine causes myocarditis and pericarditis.

Australian Senator  Gerard Rennick forced Pfizer to admit that they didn’t understand the mechanism by which the vaccine causes myocarditis and pericarditis. (H/t Tim Shey)

And why did José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, the founder and president of PharmaMar, a pharmaceutical company that creates and distributes drugs to treat coronavirus, fake paperwork that stated he was fully vaccinated?

Isn’t it high time our Congress investigate Pfizer and other COVID vaccine manufacturers?
