Tag Archives: Russian hoax

Winning: Lame stream (DNC) media hacks that are out

Trust in the U.S. mainstream media is at an all-time low. It is a self-inflicted demise that began when Obama became president. Since then, their Trump Derangement Sydrome has rendered them to the point that they are unable to deliver true news without inserting lies and falsehoods.

Thankfully the trash is taking itself out. Let’s take a look at the propagandists have been given pink slips, shall we?

Let’s start with the racist Joy Reid at MSNBC.

“ReidOut” was officially axed yesterday. Good riddance to this vile creature who made an extraordinary effort to make everything about race and hate. She had claimed that Trump supporters were “Talibanesque” and compared them to Islamic terrorists. President Trump celebrated her departure as only he can, saying “MSDNC had finally gotten the nerve up to fire one of the least talented people in television, the mentally obnoxious racist Joy Reid.”

Watch her liberal tears here. Bye, Felicia!

NBC News anchor Lester Holt is stepping down.

Holt announced his departure yesterday after serving over ten years with the NBC Nightly News show. An NBC executive said, “What’s equally remarkable is how Lester has masterfully filled this esteemed role with extraordinary grace and humility. He’s proven time and time again why he stands among the great legends of broadcast news.

Last year Holt implied that Trump and JD Vance were to blame for President Trump’s second assassination attempt due to their “baseless” claims about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio. Such grace Lester Holt, such grace indeed. I’d say he ranks right up there with the legendary Dan Rather.

Chuck Todd, NBC’s chief political analyst, was “pushed out the door” and is done.

Radaronline reports that Todd didn’t walk away. Rather, He was sidelined, stripped of influence, and left with no real choice. His exit was anything but voluntary.”

Todd wrote in January 2024 in an op-ed entitled, Confronting Trump:

“Ultimately, as hard as everyone outside the GOP is trying to honestly confront Trump, it’s the Republican Party members who are either going to have to do it or lose their careers trying. Because one day, association with Trump won’t be a golden ticket to winning a GOP primary, but a mark of shame in the history books. Let’s hope we won’t need to build new museums or exhibits to prove to the American public we’ve learned a lesson.”

Guess Todd was wrong in foreshadowing who exactly would lose their career.

Last but not least, there’s the most obnoxious former CNN reporter, Jim Acosta.

At the end of January Jim Acosta announced that he was leaving CNN. During President Trump’s first term, Acosta had the largest and loudest case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Acosta even wrote a book about his infection, which included his “first-hand account of the dangers he faced reporting on the White House while fighting “on the front lines” in President Trump’s war on truth.”

Acosta has moved on to “The Jim Acosta Show” on Substack where he’s no doubt facing danger reporting on President Trump’s second term. You knew he couldn’t quit Trump.

So much winning to start President Trump’s second month in office!


There’s a new sheriff in town and legacy media weeps

Legacy media (or arm of the DNC as they often act) is dead. A self-inflicted mortal would that, one could say, began when Obama became president. They slobbered over the first black president and couldn’t hide their glee for him.

As President Trump began his first term, full-blown Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) inflicted every liberal and progressive media outlet. And we all know about their pushing every hoax under the sun to prevent him from getting re-elected.

Under the Biden administration, legacy media did all they could to protect the senile man. Despite crumbling ratings, they tried to back the old horse for as long as they could. And they lost all credibility.

Fast-forward to November 2024 and after four disasterous years of Biden, Americans had enough. We elected a new sheriff to run this country.

President Trump and his administration are playing hardball this term and setting new rules and guidelines to control the agenda they promised Americans.

Yesterday press secretary Karoline Leavitt held her first briefing and it was spectacular in many ways. She announced major changes to the press room and how this administration will be more welcoming to alternative press outlets.

As reported by Fox News, Leavitt announced the Trump administration was rolling out major changes to make room for newer, less traditional media voices in the briefing room.

Leavitt told reporters these changes were being made to keep in line with President Donald Trump’s “revolutionary media approach” that he deployed during his campaign in speaking to popular podcast hosts and social media influencers. From the report:

“In keeping with this revolutionary media approach that President Trump deployed during the campaign, the Trump White House will speak to all media outlets and personalities, not just the legacy media who are seated in this room,” she began before citing Gallup polls showing Americans’ low confidence in the mainstream media.

“Millions of Americans, especially young people, have turned from traditional television outlets and newspapers to consume their news from podcasts, blogs, social media and other independent outlets,” Leavitt continued. “It’s essential to our team that we share President Trump‘s message everywhere and adapt this White House to the new media landscape in 2025.”

Leavitt announced steps the Trump administration was taking to accomplish this, beginning with restoring the press passes for 440 journalists whose passes she said “were wrongly revoked” by the Biden administration.

The briefing room will also now be opened up to “new media voices who produce news-related content” and outlets who haven’t been welcomed into the briefing room previously, she said.”

After Karoline’s first briefing today, you can see she is going to handle the press in a boss way. Watch a clip:

You can watch the whole press conference here.

Karoline also told the press corp that they need to hold themselves to the same standard of truth they hold the White House. And she did this whole briefing without a “binder” or a “circle back.”

Don’t hold your breath that the legacy media will accept this “truth” challenge. They can’t help themselves due to their TDS. Adieu, legacy media. You deserve this cancellation.