Progressives today have abandoned all sense of personal responsibility in favor of victimhood. Case in point: Plus-size activist Jae Bae.

Bossy fat activist Jae Bae
Not content to demand that airlines provide extra free seats for obese fliers, she’s now demanding that Uber and Lyft ride-share service companies provide seat belt extenders for plus-size passengers. From the Daily Mail:
“Every time I use a ride share, I’m forced to go without a seatbelt because no belt extenders are available. This is a common issue for many plus-size individuals,’ she wrote in the caption of the video.
Chaney wrote that she always brings a universal seatbelt extender with her on rides, but they often don’t work despite being advertised as ‘universal.’
She added that companies such as Uber and Lyft should reimburse drivers for the cost of seatbelt extenders, which go for as low as $12 on Amazon.
‘If each driver carried at least one seatbelt extender specifically fitted for their vehicle, this problem could be eliminated. Safety for all sizes SHOULD NOT be optional,’ she concluded.”
Here’s my favorite part of the story: “She continued: ‘This isn’t just inconvenient—it’s unsafe. It should be mandatory for ride shares to provide at least one seatbelt extender per vehicle.”
Read the whole story here.
You know what’s unsafe, Jae Bae? Your obesity.
Maybe it should be mandatory that Jae Bae take a little personal responsibility for her own actions.