Tag Archives: #waronwomen

ESPN fires woman who speaks truth

Sam Ponder: Standing up for women’s sports.

ESPN, owned by the ultra-woke Walt Disney Company, hates women. And truth.

Yesterday, ESPN fired anchor Sam Ponder in order to “cut significant costs.”

The real reason Sam was probably let go is because she has the audacity to call out the inclusion of “trans women,” aka men, being allowed to play in women’s sports.

According to Outkick, Sam was the only woman at ESPN who defended women’s sports. From their article:

“Ponder had emerged as the only female voice inside Disney since Sage Steele’s departure to speak out against “trans women” (as in men) competing in women’s sports.

Most recently, Ponder posted “XY= male XX= female” in response to the International Olympic Committee permitting Imane Khelif, who has XY chromosomes, to box against women in the 2024 Olympics.

Ponder first commented on the issue in May 2023, reminding her followers that it is “not hateful to demand fairness in sports for girls.”

“I barely said anything publicly abt this issue & I’ve had so many ppl msg me, stop me in the street to say thank you+ tell me stories abt girls who are afraid to speak up for fear of lost employment/being called hateful,” Ponder added.”

Read their whole article here.

Of course Sam has been called a “bigot” for her opinion that biological men do not belong in women’s sports. She’s also a Christian. Kudos to her for speaking the truth.

It is not bigoted to demand that women’s sports remain a women-only space.

Yet we don’t live in normal times right now.  It’s like we are living in “Nineteen Eighty-Four.”


You’ve come a long way, baby: Trans men take 1, 2 and 3 spot at women’s bike event

South Park becomes real life…

Another story of biological men stealing opportunities from women. And still crickets from the feminists.

From Daily Mail:

Transgender athletes swept the board in a 1-2-3 at a prestigious women’s cycle race over the weekend, infuriating fans and leaving female competitors in the shade.

Every medalist in the elite women’s Madison at Washington’s Marymore (actually Marymoor) Grand Prix on Friday had a trans athlete on the two–person team, marking the first time trans women are known to have had a place on every podium spot in a race.

Race venue the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome in Redmond warns it will not tolerate ‘bullying or derogatory comments especially related to race, creed, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, physical or mental disability’.

But the sight of the heavily-built winners towering over their rivals and teammates on the podium has dismayed fans of the sport. ‘This is so egregious I can’t imagine how people watched this happen and thought this was ok,’ wrote one.

Leading the field was Jordan Lothrop who was achieving podium finishes against men in the Victoria Cycling League in her native Canada as recently as last year. The sailing fan from British Columbia has worked as a Mechanical Engineering Technologist and was ranked 22nd in the men’s Victoria Cycling League this time in 2023.

Second place went to Jenna Lingwood, 43, who raced as a man until 2017 and is now a member of the Oregon-based women’s cyclocross squad Team S&M.

Taking third spot was Californian Eva Lin, 28, who used to race as Henry Lin for San Jose State University’s men’s team, but whose placings have soared since she switched to its women’s team in 2022.”

Read the whole story here.

How convenient that these men competing at an amateur level need only complete a “self-identity verification request.”

Until women stop putting up with allowing men to compete in their categories, they can kiss their wins goodbye.

h/t Breitbart