Empathic dog fakes limp for owner with broken ankle

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Psychopaths and pathological narcissists lack empathy, the ability to identify with or understand another’s situation or feelings.

Scientists say empathy is what makes us human.

So what does it mean when non-human creatures display empathy?

Last summer, Russell Jones, who lives in the UK, broke his ankle in an accident.

As a consequence, with his right foot and leg encased in a cast, Jones could walk only with the aid of crutches. 

Then he noticed that Billy, Jones’ 8-year-old pet lurcher — a sighthound mixed with another dog type, most commonly a terrier or a herding dog — started limping too.

Alarmed, Jones took Billy to the vet.

After spending £300 (US$415.34) on scans and X-rays, it turned out there was nothing wrong with Billy. The dog was fake-limping to mimic his human!

Jones posted the video on Facebook with this message: “Cost me £300 in vet fees and X-rays, nothing wrong just sympathy. Love him ❤️


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Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
4 years ago

I feel sorry the dog’s owner is out the money spent to take him to the Vet–but ya just got to love that pooch!

4 years ago

Thank you Dr. E for this precious post. What I also noticed was that the dog’s face looked sad, like he was worried. This is just darling. What a holy and beautiful dog!

Jackie Puppet
4 years ago

Oh, that’s funny – glad my dog never imitated me after I had my knee surgery – I was already broke!

Only thing I wonder is, did the owner just try to gently massage his pooch’s leg? The dog would’ve cried out in obvious pain if it was hurt.

4 years ago

Never seen this before, wow!