And just ‘cuz I think he’s hilarious, I give you Walter Geoffrey the Frenchie and his all-time meltdown!
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And just ‘cuz I think he’s hilarious, I give you Walter Geoffrey the Frenchie and his all-time meltdown!
Walter Geoffrey’s meltdown made me Laugh Out Loud.
I laughed at he one with the Dog named Stop That. Bill Cosby did a little thing about thinking his name was Dammit when he was little,from his Dad always yelling at him, “Get over here Dammit….”
Ditto Truck! My boys, when growing up at home, joked about being named “Somebody” & “Anybody,” b/c I’d say something like, “Somebody should take out the garbage (with a leveled look at the oldest), or looking at the youngest, “won’t Anybody take the garbage out?” I never really noticed my pattern until one day I used the “wrong” name for the oldest and he said, ” You’re mistaken, I’m “Somebody” and he’s “Anybody.” LOL. Our pets are the same
I had a sweet cat who had a real name, but only answered to “So Cute!” b/c whenever I looked at him I told him he was “So Cute!” He got “lost” in the house one time as a new kitten and my husband was distraught, calling for him everywhere by his real name. When I got home from work, I said, let’s call for “So Cute,” and he came out of his hiding place immediately. Now, I have a giant Norwegian Forest cat look-alike who thinks his name is “Everybody,” b/c when I cuddle another cat, he runs at me crying for attention and I have to pet him and always say “EVERYBODY is so loved.” Love the Friday (& other days) funnies!!!
Thank you DCG for this very cute and funny post!
Uh-oh, as if 10 wasn’t enough for a while… it’s out: