Happy Friday!
Let’t head into the weekend with this uplifting moment, shall we?
The woman singing the National Anthem is a singer, writer and actress by the name of Nicole Raviv.
This happened at a hockey game in Long Island.
Such a great way to head into the weekend!
h/t Right Scoop
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This was great! I might be reading too much into this, but I think this crowd sent the message that there would be NO knee-taking in hockey tolerated.
2020 vote:

This is the real America — the “flyover” Americans whom the liberal elites scorn and disdain.
This is WHY there is an electoral college—to cancel out the tyranny of the majority…which, of course, the Demorats want to abolish so we become the old USSR in practice. How did that work for them?
That moved me to tears! I am so glad that among my fellow Americans, there are many, many who still love and revere this nation.
I’m amazed that so many younger Americans don’t even know the WORDS to the National Anthem.
I’ve had kids in my classroom scream out during the “pledge” in school : ” I pledge allegiance to MEXICO!” They scrawled “brown power” graffiti in my room, in my books…and, supposedly, these were kids who’d been BORN here …American citizens, receiving a free education in AMERICA from AMERICANS who paid the bill….refugees, in a sense, from a country who could not and would not provide for them. I was then and am now totally PO’ed about this sort of thing that continually goes on in my classroom. At one point, an ex-principal gave up entirely on “the pledge” ritual of mornings. Lately we have a new principal who re-instituted it for every morning. I used to teach World or American History….I ran away to Art in 2006…tho’ I still am called upon to teach history when needed (like this upcoming year for a period) when needed per scheduling/population. It’s very hard for me to face what has been happening to our history curriculum in this country, AND, I’ve fought “the good fight.” I’ve been for years a CAC rep (curriculum advisory representative from our collective district teachers…whom decide WHAT will be taught and by what methods and materials used )…..I’ve field-edited history texts (with my name as editor in the foreword) and I’ve sat on years of text adoption committees in my district for history texts. I’ve lost EVERY TIME I’ve gone up against what I saw what was coming…with what we’ve ended up with today ..sometimes…barely…but still lost. And, here we are, with what we have today. There needed to be MORE of me out there…and the only benefit I can see of the quarantine Covid distance learning is….that many parents HAD to step up and pay attention to their children’s lessons….and they became aware of the asinine 1619 Project….the CRT…..and they are reacting, from every age group, from every sect and race…..
When working as a teacher, I refuse to teach the bad parts of these very bad textbooks that are everywhere. I usually use it as an opportunity to try to teach the kids how they’re being manipulated. I don’t think you’d keep your job for long in a government school doing this,
Thanks Reuben. So happens that I will teach 4 periods of Art this coming year and one World History ( Medieval Times…the rise of the great religions of the world…which I’d previously taught for more than a decade). B/c I’ve had so much experience with this from before, I KNOW at the get-go that I’m NOT going to dedicate the time outlined in this curriculum to Islam or the Dynasties of China. For years, the texts have been OVER-involved in these 2 while blithely skipping through Medieval Europe and the rise of Christianity as tho’ it was a trip to Six Flags amusement park: have fun and on to the Black Death, Renaissance, Age of Discovery & all that.
I DO teach more than the curriculum calls for about Nordic explorers, inventions, & the Vikings who invaded/settled in England prior to the Medieval era that we study in our book…WHY is that not a part of our text? Angles? and we speak “Angle-ish” today? So much English law based on their framework, the “Danelaw”…and as a result, much of our law here in the USA today was written/ based on English Common Law. AND, do you all know that NOTHING at all is mentioned in ANY textbook I’ve ever used about Medieval Russia? HELLO…..they defeated the Huns and kept them from sweeping into the rest of Europe (took them only 2 years or so on horseback to ravage everything between Mongolia & their defeat at Ivan the Terrible’s hand), and for this we have St. Basil’s Cathedral built in homage. Even SO…what we suffer with today with the “stans” (Afghanistan, Kazakistan…and the rest) are because of the long-ago actions and resultant political formations following the Hun invasions. Much of what we deal with today with our relations with Russia were formed when Russia “nationalized” its vast territory in this Medieval era….my kids know NOTHING about Russia, past or present, or this related involvement that we still deal with TODAY. Dangerous.
As far as I know, hockey is the only major sport that didn’t give in to communism. This is great.
Also, the Islanders are pretty amazing for being able to sustain a team with a fanbase of only two counties,