This Caption Contest is now closed.
This is our 248th world-famous Caption Contest!
Here’s the pic:
About the pic: In the midst of singing “Just a Virgin” at the 2021 Video Music Awards last Sunday, Sept. 12, a much-botoxed, face-lifted, and breast-implanted 63-year-old Madonna tried to shock the audience by whipping open her trench coat. (Telegraph)
You know the drill:
- Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
- Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
- Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered.
This contest will be closed in two weeks, at the end of Tuesday, October 5, 2021.
To get the contest going, here’s my caption:
Demon-possessed since at least 2012. (WorldTruthTV)
For the winners of our last Caption Contest, go here.
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First she poses as a satanist, now a SS Gestapo. What a twisted mind.
Anything for shock value. She’ll keep doing this until she’s old and senile.
Until she’s old and senile? Me thinks she is already there.
Kinda looks like a cross between a Gestapo agent and Columbo.
It must get cold up there on stage.
That is great! All she needs is a cigar.
That flap in front is to cover her gnarled old dangles.
Really don’t understand the juxtaposition of her Nazi Gestapo garb to her mild-mannered Brainiac English sleuth plaid overcoat. Who was her publicist for this? Probably a CLUELESS someone born after, say, at least 1990 or worse, 2000. And then, this pretentious pandering slut approved it.
This Caption Contest is now closed.