Have you tried the new Gingerbread Cookie Kit Kat?

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Did you even know that Hershey’s made a Gingerbreat Cookie Kit Kat bar?

They were introduced this year for the Christmas holiday and I just discovered them a week or so ago. I do not like the peppermint and candy cane candies you see this time of year so I was very excited to find this treat!

Instead of a chocolate covering/filling the Kit Kat bar is covered with a gingerbread-flavored creme. I’m such a fan of these that we purchased four bags to get us through December. I just might have to buy a few more bags on my next grocery store trip, LOL.

If you like gingerbread cookies and Kit Kats, I highly recommend you buy some of these before they are gone!


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3 years ago

Goodness. I was thinking of making gingerbread which I havent had in years. I will look for them today.

3 years ago

No, I haven’t tried them but I did go outside and saw the Bethlehem Star to the SW and the closest it has been since the Middle Ages. (Didn’t know where to put this)

2 years ago


2 years ago

Mmm. They are good.

2 years ago

Well, you all of Germanic or Swiss derivative know that ‘gingerbread” was invented by these people, not as a “cookie or sweet” but, as a real bread that would not spoil if you carried it in your pocket over the Alps trading trails, to eat with cheese or dried fruit. My family, part of which is of old Swiss derivative, still eats gingerbread with certain pungent cheeses, for holidays. So, I am for ANYTHING that keeps gingergbread in the public. And, PS…my PA lineage is mentioned in a 1930’s genealogy research/book about the relatives of Milton Hershey. He had no children of his own, but this book carefully outlines the ancillary lines of his family before and after his birth.