We just had a weekend of 95 degree weather here in Oklahoma with high-90s predicted for all next week.
Just your typical Southern September fall weather!
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We just had a weekend of 95 degree weather here in Oklahoma with high-90s predicted for all next week.
Just your typical Southern September fall weather!
So true lived in the South all my life and bugs are a way of life.And like the pic above we have a saying here if you don’t like the weather just give it 5 mins and it will change for ya.
Nice post DCG
So true about bugs. Being new to the South, when the hot weather first began in June, I opened the door to the deck overlooking my back garden one night and was greeted by a THUNDEROUS cacophony of insect noises. There must be hundreds, if not thousands, of bugs.
Just across the Mississippi from ya Doc and we have the same thing here, in the middle of the summer. We live in a rural area with a 185 acres of forest behind our house. They are deafening once the sun goes down.
People that move to OK freak out over tornadoes…
All true! — from a new resident of the South.
Welcome Doc to God’s country. Got some tips on gardens you can look at and see if they would be something you might be able to do. One is a Victory garden will send you some info.