Amazing: Watch this bird weaves her nest

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Baltimore Oriole bird weaves nest

The Baltimore Oriole is a small icterid blackbird common in eastern North America as a migratory breeding bird. It received its name from the resemblance of the male’s colors to those on the coat-of-arms of 17th century Lord Baltimore. The Baltimore oriole is the state bird of Maryland. It is also the namesake and mascot for the Baltimore Orioles baseball team.

Baltimore orioles are basically solitary outside their mating season. The species is generally considered monogamous, although evidence suggests that extra-pair copulation is relatively common. The Baltimore oriole’s nest is built by the female. It is a tightly woven, bindle-like pouch located on the end of a branch, consisting of any fine plant or animal materials available, hanging down on the underside. The nest is usually located around 23 to 30 ft. above the ground. The female lays three to seven pale gray to bluish white eggs, with the norm being around four. The incubation period is 12 to 14 days. Once the nestlings hatch, they are fed by regurgitation by both parents and brooded by the female for two weeks. After this the young start to fledge, becoming largely independent shortly thereafter. If the eggs, young, or nest are destroyed, the oriole is unable to lay a replacement clutch.


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Auntie Lulu
Auntie Lulu
2 years ago

By watching this female prepare a nest for her young–it is easy to see that God instilled in her the instinct of a mother. She shows such diligence and devotion in carrying out this task. It is wonderful to actually see this next being built.

2 years ago

OMG…thanks for this! Born in PA, grew up in MD, I so miss the Orioles. Here in the Left Coast, my husband’s hobby is to feed migratory birds on our property…but we do NOT have Orioles , & only see a migrating Robin every now and then. NEVER see some species, ever here in the West, like Cardinals, Cedar WaxWings. OTOH…I never saw a Turkey Vulture until I moved West….or the nesting grounds of gulls or storks.