Somebody please tell Cark his coffee is getting cold!
1 year ago
I’m a middle school teacher. Loved the, “‘I’m Marc with a “c.” Walk in my shoes for a day. I once was taking a field trip to a channel island on a ferry….and one little girl was very confused about how a fairy was going to transport us to the island. Love it. THIS is my world.
Joan d Arc
1 year ago
Thank you Dr.E for these great funnies! I liked the one about the important phone call. Funny!
I loved the one about “chocolate and punctuation.”
Somebody please tell Cark his coffee is getting cold!
I’m a middle school teacher. Loved the, “‘I’m Marc with a “c.” Walk in my shoes for a day.
I once was taking a field trip to a channel island on a ferry….and one little girl was very confused about how a fairy was going to transport us to the island. Love it. THIS is my world.
Thank you Dr.E for these great funnies! I liked the one about the important phone call. Funny!