Joe Biden, sadist-in-chief

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Not only is Joe Biden senile, he is sadistic as well.

From the New York Post, June 13, 2024:

Joe Biden repeatedly watched his German shepherd Commander attack Secret Service members, who wished each other a “safe shift” as the number of incidents mounted – with one exasperated workplace safety professional urging the use of a muzzle, agency records show.

The number of dog attacks involving Commander, who the White House said in February was given away after more than two years terrorizing professionals assigned to protect Biden; and former first dog Major, who was re-homed in 2021 after also attacking personnel; could top three dozen, the newly surfaced records suggest.

The 81-year-old Biden, who reportedly accused a Secret Service member of lying about being attacked by Major during his first year in office, was present for at least three separate attacks involving Commander, files released to Judicial Watch under Freedom of Information Act litigation show.

Despite his senility and sadism, Hollyweirdos like George Clooney and Julia Roberts still support and fund the reelection of the bastard. (See “George Clooney, Julia Roberts help Biden raise record $30 million-plus at star-studded Hollywood gala“)


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4 months ago

DrE, I kept seeing the news about dog attacks, but never read further.. Thanks for clarifying the creepiness on yet another Biden problem.

4 months ago

Yeah, don’t care about Hollyweird. They are useless to me.

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
4 months ago

As disconnected as he is the oatmeal brain potus probable thought they were playing with them and egged them on at the time. And for the hollywerid pedo’s they all can burn in hell for helping promote this disinformation to fool the masses.

Joan d Arc
Joan d Arc
4 months ago

Thank you Dr.E for this amazing post – absolutely incredible!

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
4 months ago

This kind of behavior on the part of Biden, I think really shows exactly how he feels about the “hired help,” so to speak. This garbage should never have been allowed to go on for so long. Does anyone else besides me, wonder how is it that two dogs in a row displayed such aggressive behavior towards non-family members? Bazillions of people have dogs, but we do not hear of dogs perpetrating multiple, on-going bite attacks on non-family members. I have difficulty wrapping my head around went exactly went into the creation of both of these animals being viscous. Is it that we have a demented, addle-patted old fool inhabiting the White House–what “employer” would have so little regard for those who work tirelessly to safeguard the First Family as to allow these attacks to go on and on and on? Right there, that scenario is enough to dissuade many voters from returning someone with this little concern or common decency to the position of Commander in Chief!

4 months ago

I’ve said this before & will say again…I was graduating fr a MD HS when Biden was running first for Senate in DE. (I am way past retirement age now, tho’ I’m still working—so i’ve lived a freakin’ lifetime of BIDEN!!!). He was then, & ever after, made fun of in the tri-state region as the STOOOOPIDEST person running for or elected to the Senate, & not without good proof. But what did we care? It was Delaware. Big deal. Let them do what they want to do in a sliver of a state with no political swag. That was then. I guess we did not know: details count.

Comes along Barak Hussein Obama, never elected to anything (went into every office unopposed, including his ascent into the Senate, for which he served 100 days before launching his stab at the POTUS). Obama had NO foreign relations experience, DAH…he’d never lived on the mainland of the USA until he came to college as a “foreign exchange student “from Indonesia” to Occidental in CA. Good Luck…could NOT claim THAT as foreign relations experience and get away with it to run for native-born POTUS..too much to explain (I’m still waiting). His experience is similar to our laughing hyena VP, Harris, who was born in the USA, but grew up in Canada, until she came to college in the USA. Oh, and BTW, neither Obama or Harris are “Black.” They are both mixed races, of which we hear next to nothing in our mixed race modern society. You get to choose your race, or sex I guess, in our politics without giving any background. So Barak Hussein Obama claims to be the first Black American POTUS, tho’ his his mother was 100% White. (IMO, this man trashed a chance to truly unite our country after so many years of working toward it thru’ legislation/the Constitution) “picks someone with foreign relations Senate committee experience…and 100 years of White experience, to be his ceremonial VP. It worked. Stupid, back-slapping, tall-tale-plagiarizing Joe Biden. Worked for the first “Black” POTUS, But it does NOT WORK for a geriatric Biden POTUS w/the laughing hyena VP. Some years have passed. Our American population is more and more mixed race..harder and harder to put into fixed slots as our families mix/include more and more internationalities. Too, as years go on, people resent being pigeon-holed into a “race category.” Too hard to “pick” now which “pigeon hole” you want to be pigenon-holed into, even if it’s all “white” or all “black.” People just don’t like it. Frankly, I’m amused that the left’s race-bating is turning back upon them….they were/are so blinded by racism themselves that they never anticipated this turn…..I work in area where this is true, tho’ I realize it might not be true in the “fly over” states…it’s happening on the coasts that the Dems rely upon for votes.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
4 months ago
Reply to  CalGirl

Thank you CalGirl for your honest observations regarding the above individuals. I just live in a chronic state of panic over the garbage that is being dealt the American people by their supposed “elected leaders.” So glad I will soon be getting off this world that has turned mad.

4 months ago

I know what you mean! I figure my teeth only have to hold up for another decade…..same with living through whatever debacle comes our way from Washington, D.C. 🙂 What a relief!!!!

Captain America
Captain America
3 months ago

Team “We Hate White America”. Sponsored by Disney Korporation.