Insanity: Washington State was the only state to shift “bluer” in 2024

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I grew up in Washington State and thankfully was able to flee to a red state over a decade ago.

During my voting years in the Seattle area, absolutely none of my candidates ever won.  The area has been blue for decades. Seattle has had a democrat mayor since 1969 and Washington’s last republican governor was elected in 1981. And during the past presidential election, Washington State got “slightly” bluer.

To understand this phenomenon, get inside the mind of a liberal: A business-owner who was recently robbed and doesn’t want the perps to go to jail. Seriously.

From MyNorthwest:

“Just before 2:30 a.m. last Wednesday, Desirae Aylesworth woke up to the sound of her Ring camera system notifying her of a breach in her café. Her Seattle café was being robbed, becoming the latest victim of Seattle’s crime crisis.

Aylesworth is the co-owner of Wild Mountain Cafe in the Crown Hill neighborhood of Seattle. When she reviewed the surveillance feeds from her restaurant, she saw two young men jumping the back fence of her business, and then breaking in. She immediately called 911.

I spent the following 10 to 15 minutes on the phone trying to get police there in time to catch them, and in the process, just was watching in real time two burglars going through my restaurant and not completely trashing the place, but definitely looking for something specific,” Aylesworth explained to “The Jason Rantz Show” on KTTH. “And you know, it was very obvious they were after money and didn’t care too much about product or electronics or anything else, which is, you know, saving grace in the whole matter.

The two thieves stole about $5,000 in cash, which was earmarked for staff tips. And unfortunately, the two suspects escaped before police arrived.

It’s unclear the thieves’ ages, but judging from surveillance footage, they appear to be young. Despite the crime, though, Aylesworth doesn’t want them going to jail. They appear young enough to be course-corrected with intervention. She thinks community service would be more appropriate.

As is too often the case, the suspects are still on the loose.

Read the whole story here.

The business owner felt very violated and helpless. Stealing $5,000 in King County is a first-degree theft Class B felony crime. Jail time should be the punishment for these perps. Believing that community service will deter them is a product of the liberal mindset.

The Seattle Police Department is severely understaffed as they are at their lowest staffing level since 1958. Last year’s crime data showed that Seattle had a drop in overall crime yet a rise in homicides and auto thefts.

Despite spending over nearly $1 billion the past decade to “fix” homelessness, Seattle’s homeless population continues to rise. And their fentanyl crisis continues, when Washington State reported a 41% rise in drug overdose fatalities (between September 2022 and September 2023) — the highest increase in the United States.

But you keep voting blue, liberals of Washington. Y’all keep voting for this so embrace the suck. So glad I left you for a red territory.


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3 months ago

So glad you are in a better place now, DCG 🙂 Maybe change will only arrive in these corrupted Dem states when the balance of tax payers vs takers is tipped into the red so badly that there is no longer a basis for Dem election to state law and fiscal management. One can only hope. For sure…it is slowly going in that direction….including here in CA. My state is still electorally Blue Dem….but it’s only the coastal elites. The rest of CA went Red. Where I live has been Red in all the 30 years that I’ve lived here….with adjacent communities signing on more and more, year after year as a result of our governor and his state stoogies, like the failed “woke” prosecutors we’ve recalled and voted-out. Still, every day on the news—local and national—there is at least some mouth-piece on air that says we voters just don’t understand what we voted for….or that we are garbage, or stupid, or uninformed… we erred and should have allowed “them” to decide for us for our own good. Doh! Maybe why they lost in the first place?

3 months ago

Wow. Insanity indeed. I’m so glad I didn’t move to Washington state, but chose a red state in the South instead.

3 months ago

Forgot to wish all a lovely and loving Thanksgiving.! So, mine was serene and peaceful, wonderful, and hope yours was, too. Looking forward to the same in the upcoming Advent.