Message to Lancôme re. Julia Roberts

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Already irritated by s0-called Hollywood celebrities’ shilling for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election, my annoyance was exacerbated when after the election, an ad keeps popping up on the Peacock streaming service — of actress Julia Roberts merching Lancôme’s new perfrume.

See “Clooney and Roberts help Biden raise $30 million-plus at a star-studded Hollywood gala“.

So I went on Lancôme’s website, click on “Customer Service” and sent them this message:

I will never ever purchase Lancôme’s perfume or any of your merchandise because you chose Julia Roberts to be your public face and spokesperson. Roberts has neither the expertise nor the knowledge to lecture to us on politics or tell us for whom we should vote in the 2024 election. In so doing, she presumes that we are ignorant, do not know our own minds and values, and need her to tell us what to do. That is the height of arrogance and narcissism.


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3 months ago

Well said, DrE.

3 months ago

This company already on my boycott list. Overated, overpriced and out of touch elites.

Brian Heinz
Brian Heinz
3 months ago

So good for you Doc we have to call out the bad to let the truth shine. The Good will over come the bad….

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
3 months ago

I second that emotion!!! What gets me, the rest of us never voted to set up these Hollyweird types as royalty in our land. Who in the dickens do they think they are to tell the rest of us, who live out in the world of reality, who we should vote for. I just wish so many of them would actually walk the talk and leave this country as they previously threatened. It might help in some small measure to ease the housing crisis.

It is pretty darn funny that all of a sudden so many of the world’s countries are “bending the knee” now that they know Trump has won reelection. For instance Russia has now decided to start buying oil in US dollars again, and Europe is going to start purchasing our Liquid Natural Gas (of which we have an extreme abundance.) We. as Americans are much safer when the rest of the world gives deference to us. I do not say that as an egotist, but after nearly 80 years of living, it’s just an observation I have made (I am grateful each and every day that I won the lottery and was allowed to be born in this great nation. Although we may not be perfect, I think we are the best bet going,)

I am thrilled to have witness so many of our citizens, regardless of their skin color, who have made the decision to join the ranks of those of us who wish to band together under our great Constitution. It feels so good, so comfortable to have the band of pro-Constitution adherents growing. Although in my own family, one niece who attended a liberal progressive university posted on her FB account something like . . . . “f*ck all those who voted for Trump, you are all a bunch of imbeciles.” It is exceedingly painful to know that is how she feels about the rest of us; and my heart goes out to my brother, who is her father.

It is high time that we let all these high and mighty companies know–we do not want to be bombarded with ads that feature leftists. I think we must at least consider the idea that many of these individuals suffer with mental illness.

To all those of the FOTM family, my love and best wishes. God Bless America until the end of all time.

Auntie Lulu

3 months ago

So good to hear from you, Auntie Lulu ( & BTW…did I ever tell you that my Paternal Great Grandmother’s name was “LuLu?”)

Don’t feel badly abt the niece. My own children & their spouses, & our foster daughter (whom we rescued from imprisoned drug abusers who abandoned her in early teens) have expressed the same to us. We scratch our heads wondering, “What did we do wrong that upset them so much?” I’m going to paraphrase here…but I think it was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said something like.,..If you are not a Democrat when you are young, you are stupid….and if you are not a Republican when you mature, you are stupid. So, I get it. There are stages of life where our interests are focused. When young, we are idealists and all for one, one for all….But, IF we mature and go on to earn and grow our family, pay our way….it becomes apparent that some people never come along with us and contribute. It’s no longer all for one and one for all…it’s just me for all……..which becomes a huge burden, and JUST when you are trying to, raise up the next generation on your own wherewithal (if you are indeed, as we did, are paying their way …through any/many means), life comes out and smacks you on the head and you have to vote for your own best interests–those elderly behind you & those of you are bringing up). You can no longer wax eloquently for these divisions. They are real and almost set in stone by nature.

So, Auntie, don’t respond to your nieces’ political rants. Send her a family recipe or a family story or such. That’s what I do with my kids/foster/and daughters-in-law. I have family stories from the Civil War, and back to the Revolution. Nothing like a dose of family food or family HISTORY to dilute the present hysteria.