How long will you live?

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About 80% of longevity comes down to daily choices.

See how your habits stack up—and get personalized insights for a longer, healthier life.

Take the Super Age Longevity Quiz by clicking here. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete the quiz.

Good luck!

Research presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2023Trusted Source, for example, suggested that eight healthy habits can slow down biological aging by as much as 6 years:

  1. Diet
  2. Maintaining a healthy weight
  3. Avoiding tobacco
  4. Maintaining good sleep hygiene
  5. Managing cholesterol
  6. Managing blood sugar
  7. Managing blood pressure
  8. Exercise! Staying physically active


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Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
2 hours ago

Wow! This indicates I will be around for another 10 years.