Tag Archives: Prince Harry

We have a winner!



Our writers dutifully voted for their #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 4 points; each #2 vote us worth 2 points.

And the clear winner, with three #1 votes and 12 points, is:

Captain America!

Here’s his caption:

Hi, I’m Princess Grifta, and this is my husband Cuckol.

greenworxx is in 2nd place, with one #1 and one #2 votes, totaling 6 points:

“Crying wolf” is a dangerous game to play.

CalGirl is in 3rd place with one #1 vote and 4 points:

This doesn’t look right. Put the phone & reading material down….throw on seat belts & hug each other tight: it’s time for the “high speed chase” hoax pics.

Another Captain America caption and MrB are in 4th place, each with one #2 vote and 2 points:

Captain America: “That looks like Big Mike next to Grifta.”

MrB.: “Personally, I don’t know anybody who would want a picture of a narcissist, a whipped husband and his mother-in-law.”


Congratulations, Captain America!

For all the other caption submissions, go here.

Be here tomorrow for our very exciting next Caption Contest!


The Phony Car-Chase Caption Contest

This is our world-famous 270th Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic:

About the pic: The above pic of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and her mom, in a New York yellow taxi was taken on the evening of May 16, 2023. Invoking memories of Princess Diana’s fatal car crash, the couple’s spokesman claimed that the trio were “extremely upset and shaken” by a harrowing, “near-catastrophic” two-hour paparazzi chase in New York City, and that the “relentless pursuit…resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two NYPD officers.”  Almost immediately, NY’s Democratic mayor and the NYPD debunked the story, followed by similar testimonies by the taxicab driver as well as the paparazzi agency. Here’s an excellent video by a native New Yorker resident explaining why the story is unbelievable:

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, June 20, 2023.

‘To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

Meghan Markle: “Do I look like I’m ‘extremely upset and shaken’?  That Harry is such a dope –snookered again by my machinations. He, he, he.”

For the winner of our last Caption Contest, go here.


We have a winner!



Our writers dutifully voted for their #1 and #2 captions. Each #1 vote is worth 4 points; each #2 vote us worth 2 points.

And the winner, with two #1 votes, totaling 8 points, is:


Here is the winning caption:

But…but mommy promised me I’d be king.

Brian Heinz (with one #1 vote and one #2 vote) and Auntie Lulu (with three #2 votes) are in 2nd place, each with 6 points:

Brian Heinz: “Hey Lisa, did you hear the one about the prince that got dethroned, Harry somebody?”

Auntie Lulu: “Gosh! What did I do? I’m just tryin’ to support my little woman and the kids.”

Captain America and greenworxx are in 3rd place, each with one #1 vote and 4 points:

Captain America: “If I were King of the Forrrrest!!!”

greenworxx: “Being treated as if he’s invisible irritates poor spoiled Harry.”

Truckjunkie is in 4th place, with one #2 vote and 2 points:

Truckjunkie: “How DARE that jackass William claim his rightful place as King…..”


Congratulations, vett!

For all the other captions, go here.

Be here tomorrow for our next Caption Contest!


The Petulant Prince Caption Contest



This is our world-famous 262nd Caption Contest!

Here’s the gif:

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

“Just because I’m second born, why shouldn’t I be king?,” says Harry the Malcontent, a permanent  U.S. resident who calls our First Amendment “bonkers”.

For the winner of our last Caption Contest, go here.

Seen any great pics or videos that you think would be perfect for our caption contest? Email them to me to:




The Prince-with-Manboobs Caption Contest

This is our 258th world-famous Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic (source):

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, June 21, 2022.

To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

Not only is Prince Harry a boob, he now sports two on his chest.

For the winner of our last Caption Contest, go here.

I am running out of caption pics. You can help by submitting interesting pics that you think would be great for our caption contests, by emailing them to me to:




‘Dark Triad’ personalities find ghosting acceptable

Have you ever been “ghosted”?

Ghosting is when you go “poof” and literally disappear out of someone’s life without a word or explanation, cutting off all contact by no longer accepting or responding to phone calls, email, instant messages, etc. 

To say that the recipient of the ghosting is bewildered is an understatement.

A new study by a team of four psychologists, led by Peter K. Jonason of the University of Padua, Italy, found that people with “Dark Triad” personality traits, especially narcissistic men, find ghosting more acceptable and engage in ghosting others.

The “Dark Triad” refers to psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism.

Their study, “Leaving without a word: Ghosting and the Dark Triad traits” is published in the journal Acta Psychologica, Volume 220, October 2021.

Here’s the Abstract:

Researchers have extensively explored the early and middle stages of romantic and sexual relationships for those high on the Dark Triad traits (i.e., psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism) but they have generally missed the termination stage of relationships. In this study we examined (N = 341) the role these traits play in one termination strategy, ghosting. Ghosting is when a person discontinues a relationship through silence; it is considered an indirect form of relationship termination. We found that (1) those who reported ghosting someone in the past (vs. those who did not) found ghosting to be acceptable and were more Machiavellian and psychopathic, (2) ghosting was most acceptable in the short-term (vs. long-term) context especially for those who had previously ghosted someone, and (3) those high in the Dark Triad traits rated ghosting more acceptable to terminate short-term relationships, but not long-term ones. We also found that the correlations between acceptability and ghosting short-term partners and the Dark Triad traits was localized to narcissistic men with a similar-yet-weak effect for psychopathy. Results are discussed in relation to how ghosting may be primarily committed by people who are interested in casual sex where investment is low and may be part of the fast life history strategies linked to the Dark Triad traits.

The article concludes:

While more work is warranted, we can conclude that ghosting is considered acceptable by people, men in particular, high in the Dark Triad traits when attempting to extract themselves from low investment relationships. This may, therefore, reveal that some cases of ghosting, and the related “trauma” associated with it, might simply be a matter of differences in partner’s perspectives on the relationship. If one party believes the relationship is serious (someone likely to be lower on the Dark Triad traits) and the other person does not (someone likely to be higher on the Dark Triad traits), the latter person may not feel obligated to grant the former person the courtesy of a direct, compassionate break-up which may undermine the happiness of the former person.

You can read the full text of the report here.

Given that those who “ghost” others are narcissistic, calculating (Machiavellian) psychopaths, I say it’s actually a good thing if you get “ghosted”!

By the way, Meghan Markle, wife of low-IQ Prince Harry (he thinks there’s a tropical island called Chunga Changa, and that there are penguins in the North Pole even though he’d been to Antarctica), is notorious for “ghosting” people. Among those whom Markle had ghosted are UK journalist Piers Morgan and her father, who paid for her private school and college.


Wednesday Funnies!


Wednesday Funnies!
