Tag Archives: Tim Walz

“It’s the economy, stupid”

Truer words were never spoken when it comes to elections.

The media is working overtime to gaslight the people into voting for the “chosen one,” Kamala Harris, by claiming the U.S. is not in a recession.

Yesterday the stock market took a hard punch. It fell by 2%, the worst drop since 2022. If you want to keep your blood pressure normal, don’t check your 401(k) and investment account balances right now.

Intel announced on Friday that it was laying off 15% of its workforce. This comes months after the Biden administration gave Intel $8.5 billion in grants to help bring back chipmaking to the U.S. Great job, Biden, by “spurring processor manufacturing in the US.”

Within the past year Nike has laid off 5% of their workforce. This combined with Intel’s layoffs, was a hard hit for the progressive-run state of Oregon.

Last September I wrote about CVS closing 900 stores noting that America is in decline, particularly in democrat-run cities. As a result, our nation is (still) facing the following:

  • Increased inflation
  • Increased debt (both for the nation and many individual households)
  • Increased crime with soft-on-punishment policies
  • Open borders with thousands of illegal aliens arriving daily as well as drugs (particularly fentanyl) pouring into our cities

If you think things will get better with the new Harris/Walz ticket, think again. Tim Walz is a hardcore leftist who recently stated on a “White Dudes for Harris” get-together: “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

A preview of our economy and the US under this “progressive” ticket of Harris and Walz:

All of it, up in flames.