How to attract butterflies to your yard/garden

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Just last week we experienced a bad winter storm here in many parts of the U.S.  Yet today in Oklahoma it was in the 70’s so I’m already thinking of spring/summer weather!

Because of our cats I’ve had to remove the bird feeders and bath. So I thought this year one thing I could do was add more plants that attract butterflies. Hopefully my cats will leave those beautiful creatures alone!

In addition to plants and flowers that attract butterflies (see video below), you can put out fruit (oranges, apples, watermelon) and a water source (called a puddling station). You may also want to hang a hummingbird feeder. Here’s a good web site with lots of tips, called Butterfly Lady.

Here’s some other tips for bringing butterflies to your yard:

Happy butterfly watching!


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4 years ago

A garden that attracts butterflies would also attract honeybees!

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
4 years ago

What a wonderful article. Keep up the good work DCG!

4 years ago

Thank you DCG for this wonderful post! How uplifting! I have studied and loved butterflies since I was a toddler. We have hummingbird feeders and a couple of flowering plants that the butterflies frequent and I so love watching them! They are so beautiful! They immediately remind me of God because he created all beauty.

4 years ago

The purple flower with the butterfly photo is a Butterfly Bush. I have one and they really do attract butterflies!


[…] month I wrote about how to attract butterflies to your yard. Now let’s take a look at how to bring hummingbirds to your […]