The dogs who play dead and have to be dragged into the vet. Hilarious!
3 years ago
Thank you DCG for this most cute post! I loved it! Like Dr.E, I loved the two dogs who had to be carried in to the offices of the vets. I also loved the guy who was pretending he was talking to the vet over the phone, and his dog responded accordingly to this most threatening conversation. Hilarious and very smart!
Our dog, Sasha, likes to go to the vet and be admired by the ladies, the two vets and the assistant vets. What a ham! She can be most exuberant. Dogs definitely understand human languages.
James Stepp
3 years ago
My Australian Shepherd-Chow LOVES the Vet. All I have to do is say “Vet?” and she’ll run out to the truck and sit by the door,and when I open it she’ll jump right in. Once we’re there,she drags ME to the Vet’s door. (They really like her-they treat her like Royalty there. When I got her,I took her to ALL the Veterinarians and let HER choose the one she liked the best,and THIS one bonded with her like they’d been best friends since the beginning.)
I had a Corgi that hated the veterinarian and he didn’t like the dog. Changed to a different vet who had a different approach and it was fine.
A veterinarian who doesn’t like dogs! Amazing.
The dogs who play dead and have to be dragged into the vet. Hilarious!
Thank you DCG for this most cute post! I loved it! Like Dr.E, I loved the two dogs who had to be carried in to the offices of the vets. I also loved the guy who was pretending he was talking to the vet over the phone, and his dog responded accordingly to this most threatening conversation. Hilarious and very smart!
Our dog, Sasha, likes to go to the vet and be admired by the ladies, the two vets and the assistant vets. What a ham! She can be most exuberant. Dogs definitely understand human languages.
My Australian Shepherd-Chow LOVES the Vet. All I have to do is say “Vet?” and she’ll run out to the truck and sit by the door,and when I open it she’ll jump right in. Once we’re there,she drags ME to the Vet’s door. (They really like her-they treat her like Royalty there. When I got her,I took her to ALL the Veterinarians and let HER choose the one she liked the best,and THIS one bonded with her like they’d been best friends since the beginning.)