This is Cocoa, a Chesapeake Bay retriever who recently passed away at the ripe age of 16 years. She’s at the boardwalk with her owner, Tom.
A Facebook account by the name of Carri Copenhaver wrote about this story of Cocoa, who belonged to Lauren and Tom.
“Here is Cocoa, our Chesapeake Bay Retriever, looking out on Rudee’s Inlet at the end of the Virginia Beach Boardwalk. She peacefully went to sleep last Friday. We spent over 16 sweet years together and the last 6 months without her ability to stand brought us even closer. She has left a large void in our heart and our home. She wasn’t able to greet people or dogs anymore on her own, but she loved it when people came up to her. Thank you for stopping to greet her and for sharing her with your friends on Facebook.
Cocoa had not walked since last August, but she still was living a meaningful, quality life with us. She brought us such joy and hopefully we did the same for her. We miss her and will treasure our memories of her forever. She will always be with us in our hearts.”

See the video where Tom spoke of how they came up with the mobile bed for their precious Cocoa here.
Obviously Cocoa was well-loved and had a great life with Lauren and Tom.
RIP Cocoa.
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DCG . . . That is the sweetest article. I find that it brought me to tears. It is certainly true, what Coco;s Dad said, “The bond with our dogs, our pets is so strong.” These wonderful animals give us so much unconditional love, and joy. I can hardly wait to be reunited with all my fur babies at some future date. The fact that Coco’s “parents” provided such loving care in the twilight time of this animals life, certainly paid back for the joy and comfort that Coco had given them. What a great article! Thank you.
I don’t know if anyone else has this problem, but sometimes, I am not able to “upvote” other people’s comments. Does anyone else have this same problem. It seems particularly to be if the comment is the very last one left.
I sometimes have the same problem with the thumbs-up/down rating widget, so I just click the other +/- widget instead.
Thanks for the info. Kinda glad it isn’t just me.
Yes, that happens to me. I do what DrE says below.
This made me cry. Thank you for sharing this with us.