Wired came out recently with an article entitled, “The Cicadas Are Coming. Let’s Eat Them!”
Never heard of a Cicada? Here’s what this insect looks like:
And YES, they can be that BIG. Trust me, I’ve seen ’em in Oklahoma. And I’ve heard them. This is what Cicadas sound like when they emerge from the ground to terrorize us for a few weeks in the summer:
From the Wire article: “They’re like crickets with musical-theater degrees—dramatic, loud, committed to a splashy outfit change. And while some people will delight in their natural spectacle, others will just want to be rid of them. There is, however, another reaction: Grab a fork and knife.“

You want to “dig in” to this?
The Wired article claims that Cicadas are “a source of free-range, no-cost, eco-friendly protein.”
Well, that may be true but there’s NO WAY I’m eating these creatures. My cats have captured and released Cicadas. Even the feline predators wont eat ’em!
If my cats are smart enough to not eat these creatures, there’s no way I’m eating them!
Um, no.
I love hearing the cicadas in the summer. Very melancholy. But, no, I won’t eat them. If desperate I will cook/eat the geese that hang out in the neighborhood pond. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that…
I’m with you, DCG. If cats won’t eat them, I won’t either!
Silly me! Just reading the question . . . “shall we eat them” frankly made me sick to my stomach. I cannot imagine that I could actually eat these bug-eyed creatures. They look like something from outer-space. Great article.
Thank you DCG for this interesting post. I hear them and see them too in Arkansas and they put up a racket in the summertime. However, I am with you too, DCG, and Dr.E. – if cats won’t eat them, I won’t. I’ll get my protein from other sources!
NO!!! Just-NO!!!
I don’t want to eat bugs, arachnids, or worms or snakes or other crawly things, but if I had to, I would. I’m a practical Calgirl. They are amongst the most plentiful of living things on Earth & Protein is Protein. Plus, I’d never have to shoot/kill a cute little “Bambi” in order to survive. My dad was a Penn State agricultural economist and worked for the World Bank for a time…he traveled around and always brought us new things from “wherever.” Once he brought us giant chocolate-covered ants to eat from Africa or some place……repugnant at first thought, but not bad in reality once we tried them…as I recall, like chocolate-covered popcorn….with a slight citrus zing. Just remember that most endangered and extinct species ended up that way b/c they were diet specialists….survivors are generalists….like us…..