Govt & CDC are lying about vaccine and Ivermectin – Why?

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Wayne Allyn Root writes in Townhall, Sept. 5, 2021:

It’s been quite a week. I’ve been in the media business for decades and I’ve never before witnessed such lies, exaggeration and outright fraud. All with the intent to force everyone to be vaccinated. The question is why?

Let’s start with the vaccine itself. The results in Israel prove what a sham, charade and fraud this all is. The U.S. government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention argue that the vaccine is our only chance to survive. And that people are hospitalized and dying with COVID-19 because they are unvaccinated.

Both arguments are pure fraud.

First, are you aware that anyone who dies within 14 days of getting vaccinated is considered “unvaccinated”? No wonder they claim everyone who is dying is unvaccinated. If you die from COVID-19, whether you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, they just call you unvaccinated.

If a businessperson in the private sector tried that scam, they’d spend the next 20 years in prison for fraud.

The CDC has also been using stats of COVID-19 deaths going back to January to make the claim that the deaths are almost exclusively among the unvaccinated. That’s because earlier in the year almost everyone was unvaccinated. That’s called rigging the numbers. The CDC must be using the same Democrats who rigged and stole the 2020 election.

Worst of all, the media has blacked out the developing disaster in Israel. Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world. They all got the Pfizer vaccine. At first, deaths and hospitalizations went to almost zero. Israel declared victory over COVID-19.

At this moment, 0.2% of the entire population of Israel is catching COVID-19 each day.

This past week was the worst week for COVID-19 in Israel EVER. Israel is setting records for vaccinated people in the hospital. Deaths are skyrocketing.

It’s so bad, no-mask, no-lockdown Sweden has just banned travelers from Israel. Many EU countries are following suit.

The vaccine isn’t just failing, it’s a spectacular fail. It wore off. It no longer works. And just as my holistic doctor friends predicted, it makes the next wave far worse. These doctors say vaccinated people are far more contagious; they carry heavier viral loads and are far more susceptible to getting severe illness than someone with “natural immunity.”

This experiment with an “experimental, emergency-use-only” vaccine is a great big failure. A dangerous and deadly failure.

But at this very moment, Biden, the CDC and the U.S. media are pushing the vaccine, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports harder than ever. The question is why?

Why is forcing every American to get vaccinated so important at the exact moment Israel proves the vaccine they’re pushing is a dramatic, dangerous and deadly failure?

See also “Covid vaccine follies: Unvaxxed scapegoated; vaxxed vulnerable to more severe diseases


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3 years ago

There’s very little profit in this tried and true medicine. That’s all that’s important to big Pharma, big gov, and msm. And it works. This is about de-population. I have learned so much in the last one and a year a half, on Mercola site. (stay away from hospitals if at all possible….

3 years ago
Reply to  Jen

I agree Jen. This is also why Cuomo and other blue state governors sent those sick with covid to rest and nursing homes in order to infect and hopefully kill many more elderly residents. They didn’t want the public to know that Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc. were usually successful in treating the virus if started early and before respiratory issues began. The demons who run the world have suppressed the doctors/researchers and the information about lifesaving treatments and are still trying to do so, but the truth is slowly seeing the light of day. Again, 75% of those who have taken the mRNA shot(s) will die in 3 to 5 yrs. because the spike proteins ruin one’s immune system. The push to encourage or mandate people to take the booster shots will kill them more quickly because the immune system will be compromised even more rapidly than from the original shot(s). This was planned. They want us to think the “unvaccinated” are making everyone sick. But, it’s the “vaccinated” who are getting covid the first or second time because their immune systems are now compromised. It’s imperative those who were not injected to stay away from the injected. Do not touch their skin or breathe the same air less you risk their “transmission” or “shedding” of “vaccine” symptoms and issues to you. It’s very scary and I pray for all my family and friends who took the shot(s). I haven’t told them what the researchers have said about their predicted early death sentence. I have a casual friend and her husband (injected) who I recently saw and they were talking about buying property to build a vacation home near me. I know they will take the booster shots because they don’t question the government, unfortunately. So, they will build a vacation home and will have little time to enjoy it because they will quickly become too unwell to travel and use their home. Personally, this is all so very depressing. I never ever thought our world would be experiencing this so soon after the end of WWII. But, we never got rid of most of the demons…..we’re just dealing with the children and grandchildren of the demons. I grieve for us all. Prayers and love to every member of Body and Soul.

3 years ago

I believe this drive for all-vaccinated is, at least, in part a CONTROL issue. They (the Marxists in our Government and their useful idiots) are using this to try to indoctrinate everybody to “do as they say”, regardless how stupid the order may be.
This is just my opinion-but what do I know? I’m just a dumb Biker….

Jackie Puppet
3 years ago
Reply to  truckjunkie

The other part is de-population.

3 years ago

This is absolutely remarkable!

Mitchell Hyde
Mitchell Hyde
2 years ago

I had this thought. IF it really is something they know about around the world, then could it be the billions paid to the Paris accord by these countries….. the underground cities around the globe…. the rush for these billionaires going into outer space….. and lastly, add a global pandemic ( we KNOW it was made, but what is in it? ) IF the prophetic word is warning us to repent, prepare ourselves because nobody in government would ever tell you what is coming ( as I have for some time now, NIBIRU )… what if it has some sort of kill switch to it? Think about this once….. if 2012 movie were to happen, they would never tell us about it to avoid chaos, the world would be crazy, so…. instead EVERY COUNTRY PUSH HARD TO GET AS MANY PEOPLE TO BE VACCINATED, THROUGH GUILT TRIPS, BRIBES, AND NOW BECOMING MANDATES… WHY? Because when they will have no choice, as RIGHT NOW, we have extreme climate things increasing ( as they claim climate change from humans which is stoopid ), they around the globe will go to their pack rat bunkers deep underground, and there will only be those who already know about it, which means the Washington DC people, Hollywood, Nashville, the elites, the cabal, luciferians…. the chosen being in that small club, and you’re not in it! So once it is too late, when they do tell us, instead of them feeling so guilty about the worldwide suffering that will happen before many die, and if some survive, they would never last, so they Jim Jones everyone through something in your body, that with some 5G technology, they activate it at the last day possible, to kill off 7 BILLION plus people all at once. Georgia Guidestone says civilization should have 500 million total. So that is A LOT of underground bunkers, USA has over 800 underground military bunkers, fully stocked with everything, even small cities…. with a main hub under the Denver airport. Sound too conspiracy theory for you….. well, if it were true, would not President Trump, knowing as well of what is coming, wouldn’t he want people to be killswitched through having a vaccine in them, so they won’t find out and go crazy in fear, anger, etc? How about even Hannity now speaks of the vaccine. 75% of all US citizens have at least 1 shot, but instead of speaking of the herd immunity that happens with viruses when a population is 70% infected and such? They, if this conspiracy theory of mine were true, would have both of them and their families would be in the know, and have a place to go to when the time comes, BUT are sworn to secrecy….? My morning rant of inner thoughts that hit me watching that movie again. Let me know what you think. Again, I am adding the link to that prophetic video about watching the movie 2012….

2 years ago

Makes you wonder what else they are lying about. As you know, I’m in WA state taking care of my dad who has the virus. Told a neighbor tonight he was admitted to hospital on Sunday. She was surprised because the “news” said hospitals aren’t admitting people because they are full of covid patients. Just makes ya wonder…