The Coals-to-Newcastle Caption Contest

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This is our world-famous 275th Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic:

About the pic: The Presidents of Turkmenistan and Belarus planted a fir tree at the Alley of Honored Guests in Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on this thread (scroll down until you see the “LEAVE A REPLY” box).
  • Body and Soul‘s writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by our writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. :(

This contest will be closed at the end of Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023.

‘To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

Never over-estimate the intelligence of politicians.

For the winner of our last Caption Contest, go here.


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Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
9 months ago

We can see from this picture that the United States of America is not the only country in the world who has a President that is stark raving loony! I mean you must be bat $hit crazy to need an umbrella held over your head during a rain storm while applying water to a newly planted tree using a watering can. (These two are probably not smart enough to come in from the rain.)

9 months ago

The umbrellas aren’t large enough.

Gracie Storvika
Gracie Storvika
9 months ago

The United Nations cries long and loud about how there are diminishing sources and amounts of water to fill the needs of our world’s nations–yet these two clowns find it necessary to squander this precious commodity by watering a newly planted tree, during a rain storm.

9 months ago

Alexander: what’s in this stuff in the buckets, I swear it was only 6 inches tall a minute ago. Now look at it.

Gurbanguly: Must be the vodka I put in it. I put that s__t on everything.

9 months ago

This photo perfectly demonstrates the intelligence levels of a typical globalist world politician. It’s all for show and the dough, and who you know, don’t ya know? Just ask Zelinsky (Ukraine) if you don’t believe me.

He’s lately been packing in too much dough,
From our domestic traitors in the know,
$Billions for Ukraine but only $700 per family for Maui,
Tells you conclusively that something has gone Haywire-y.
And they’re really just a bunch of flunkies although they think they are a pro.

Captain America
Captain America
9 months ago

In all fairness, their rain is probably radioactive.

9 months ago

It’s raining, so why are we watering a tree? Guess stupid does what stupid is. We have to put on the show for the NWO. Did you get your black eye yesterday too?